Widget Quality Tiers

Widgets are a critical component for customizing a user's homescreen. They can often help users achieve a critical user journey for an app with a single tap, or provide a quick summary of an app's most important pieces of data. They can also be customized to fit the needs of the user and tailored to individual preferences.

The quality of a widget determines how likely a user engages with it. There are three main categories of widget quality:

  • Tier 3: Low Quality - under performs, is stale, and does not provide a great user experience
  • Tier 2: Quality Standard - serves all basic needs and provides a satisfactory experience
  • Tier 1: Differentiated - exceeds the basic expectations of the user and provides the optimal user experience

Tier 3: Low Quality

A widget is deemed low quality if it does not meet standard layout, color, discovery, and content criteria. Refer to the guidelines below for more information on exceeding the low quality tier.

Tier 2 - Quality Standard

To be considered good quality, the widget meets all of the following Layout, Color, Discovery and Content criteria:


  • Widget must fill the bounds set by the launcher grid when dropped on the homescreen. If it does not meet the specifications below, it is categorized as tier 3, low quality.
    • Widget must align properly to other home screen elements on the vertical or horizontal axis, and does not occupy unnecessary space
    • Widget must touch at least two opposing edges of the grid. In other words, widgets don't need to be rectangular, they can have custom shapes, as long as the edges of the shape touch at least two edges of the grid.
  • If resizable, widgets must have an appropriate min/max size, which can be set with minWidth, minHeight, maxResizeWidth, and maxResizeHeight in the AppWidgetProviderInfo XML
    • Max size should be set if resizing the widget only adds blank space
    • Min size should be set based on the minimum size your widget still offers value and meets touch target requirements (48x48)
quality standard layout
Figure 1. Quality Standard Layout


  • Widget text and icon buttons must have sufficient contrast ratios to meet accessibility requirements (excludes thumbnails and images)
low quality color
Figure 2. Quality Standard Color


  • Widget must have accurate previews in the Widget picker (static asset ok). This can be set with previewImage and previewLayout in the AppWidgetProviderInfo XML, or with Generated Previews
    • Widget preview looks consistent with functionality that will be offered when added to the homescreen
Figure 3. Quality Standard Discovery


  • Widget content must not be consistently stale or untimely
    • Widget must update after user completes an action from the widget
    • Widget must update after user completes a related action from within the app
  • Widget must allow users to manually refresh content, if there is an expectation the data refreshes more frequently than the UI
  • Widget UI must be functional or content is cropped
  • Widget zero and empty states must be intentional and must show the value of the widget and/or provide a call to action, when the widget is installed but the user is not yet logged in
quality standard content
Figure 4. Quality Standard Content

Tier 1 - Differentiated

The best widgets meet all of the Tier 2 criteria and all of the following Layout, Color, Discovery and System Coherence criteria


  • Widget fills the bounds and aligns properly to other home screen elements on the vertical or horizontal axis, and does not occupy unnecessary space
    • All shapes MUST hit all four edges of the bounds of the grid
differentiated layout
Figure 5. Differentiated Layout
  • Widget supports a preferred size

    • Widget can be resized to at least one of the following sizes : 2x2, 4x2
  • Widget header is used and applied consistently

    • Recommend use of header if:
      • Widget contains scrolling content (list, grid, etc)
      • Header content provides helpful context (name of to-do list)
    • Header is optional when:
      • Widget is a full bleed image (Photos)
      • Space is limited (< 2 rows tall)
      • When header content is redundant.
    • If using a header, meet our spec:
      • Icon, Title, Actions.
        • Icon is always present
        • Title appears when there is sufficient space
        • Actions based on widget context.
      • Height 48dp, Padding, 14dp
differentiated layout2
Figure 6. Differentiated Layout


differentiated color
Figure 7. Differentiated Color


differentiated discovery
Figure 8. Differentiated Discovery
  • Widget has a name or description that helps users understand the value of the widget
    • The name is less than 50 characters long
    • The name and description are unique within the app (e.g. the app can't have multiple widgets named the same thing)
differentiated discovery
Figure 9. Differentiated Discovery

System Coherence

  • Rectangular widgets must use the corner radius provided by system (OEM specific)
system coherence
Figure 10. System Coherence
system coherence
Figure 11. System Coherence
  • Uses system configuration instead of a custom widget settings entrypoint
  • Uses system launch transition when entering/exiting app to widget

Remember the tips offered in this guide when creating your widget. You want to provide the best quality and a great user experience. Many quality bars can be met with Canonical Layouts. To learn more about quality bars, designers refer to Android Widget Templates, and developers refer to Layout code samples in our Platform Samples & the Layouts developer guide.