Add a switch that users can toggle

The Switch component lets users toggle between two states: checked and unchecked. Use a switch to let the user to do one of the following:

  • Toggle a setting on or off.
  • Enable or disable a feature.
  • Select an option.

The component has two parts: the thumb and the track. The thumb is the draggable part of the switch, and the track is the background. The user can drag the thumb to the left or right to change the state of the switch. They can also tap the switch to check and clear it.

Version compatibility

This implementation requires that your project minSDK be set to API level 21 or higher.


Implement a switch

The following example is a minimal implementation of the Switch composable:


A basic switch that is unchecked.
Figure 1. An unchecked switch.
A basic Switch that is checked.
Figure 2. A checked switch.

Create a custom thumb

You can pass any composable for the thumbContent parameter to create a custom thumb. The following is an example of a switch that uses a custom icon for its thumb:


The unchecked appearance is the same as the example in the preceding section. However, when checked, this implementation appears as follows:

A switch that uses the thumbContent parameter to display a custom icon when checked.
Figure 3. A switch with a custom checked icon.

Use custom colors

Use the colors parameter to change the color of a switch's thumb and track, taking into account whether the switch is checked.


A switch that uses the colors parameter to display a switch with custom colors for both the thumb and tack.
Figure 4. A switch with custom colors.

Key points

  • Basic parameters:

    • checked: The initial state of the switch.
    • onCheckedChange: A callback that is called when the state of the switch changes.
    • enabled: Whether the switch is enabled or disabled.
    • colors: The colors used for the switch.
  • Advanced parameters

    • thumbContent: Use this to customize the appearance of the thumb when it is checked.
    • colors: Use this to customize the color of the track and thumb.

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Learn how composable functions can enable you to easily create beautiful UI components based on the Material Design design system.

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