added in version 24.1.0
belongs to Maven artifact


public static final class CustomTabsIntent.Builder
extends Object


Builder class for CustomTabsIntent objects.


Public constructors


Creates a CustomTabsIntent.Builder object associated with no CustomTabsSession.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder(CustomTabsSession session)

Creates a CustomTabsIntent.Builder object associated with a given CustomTabsSession.

Public methods

CustomTabsIntent.Builder addDefaultShareMenuItem()

Adds a default share item to the menu.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder addMenuItem(String label, PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Adds a menu item.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder addToolbarItem(int id, Bitmap icon, String description, PendingIntent pendingIntent)

This method was deprecated in API level 24.1.0. Use CustomTabsIntent.Builder#setSecondaryToolbarViews(RemoteViews, int[], PendingIntent).

CustomTabsIntent build()

Combines all the options that have been set and returns a new CustomTabsIntent object.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder enableUrlBarHiding()

Enables the url bar to hide as the user scrolls down on the page.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder setActionButton(Bitmap icon, String description, PendingIntent pendingIntent, boolean shouldTint)

Sets the action button that is displayed in the Toolbar.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder setActionButton(Bitmap icon, String description, PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Sets the action button that is displayed in the Toolbar with default tinting behavior.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder setCloseButtonIcon(Bitmap icon)

Sets the Close button icon for the custom tab.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder setExitAnimations(Context context, int enterResId, int exitResId)

Sets the exit animations.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder setInstantAppsEnabled(boolean enabled)

Sets whether Instant Apps is enabled for this Custom Tab.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder setSecondaryToolbarColor(int color)

Sets the color of the secondary toolbar.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder setSecondaryToolbarViews(RemoteViews remoteViews, int[] clickableIDs, PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Sets the remote views displayed in the secondary toolbar in a custom tab.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder setShowTitle(boolean showTitle)

Sets whether the title should be shown in the custom tab.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder setStartAnimations(Context context, int enterResId, int exitResId)

Sets the start animations.

CustomTabsIntent.Builder setToolbarColor(int color)

Sets the toolbar color.

Inherited methods

From class java.lang.Object

Public constructors


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder ()

Creates a CustomTabsIntent.Builder object associated with no CustomTabsSession.


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder (CustomTabsSession session)

Creates a CustomTabsIntent.Builder object associated with a given CustomTabsSession. Guarantees that the Intent will be sent to the same component as the one the session is associated with.

session CustomTabsSession: The session to associate this Builder with.

Public methods


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder addDefaultShareMenuItem ()

Adds a default share item to the menu.


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder addMenuItem (String label, 
                PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Adds a menu item.

label String: Menu label.

pendingIntent PendingIntent: Pending intent delivered when the menu item is clicked.


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder addToolbarItem (int id, 
                Bitmap icon, 
                String description, 
                PendingIntent pendingIntent)

This method was deprecated in API level 24.1.0.
Use CustomTabsIntent.Builder#setSecondaryToolbarViews(RemoteViews, int[], PendingIntent).

Adds an action button to the custom tab. Multiple buttons can be added via this method. If the given id equals TOOLBAR_ACTION_BUTTON_ID, the button will be placed on the toolbar; if the bitmap is too wide, it will be put to the bottom bar instead. If the id is not TOOLBAR_ACTION_BUTTON_ID, it will be directly put on secondary toolbar. The maximum number of allowed toolbar items in a single intent is getMaxToolbarItems(). Throws an IllegalStateException when that number is exceeded per intent.

id int: The unique id of the action button. This should be non-negative.

icon Bitmap: The icon.

description String: The description for the button. To be used for accessibility.

pendingIntent PendingIntent: The pending intent delivered when the button is clicked.



added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent build ()

Combines all the options that have been set and returns a new CustomTabsIntent object.


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder enableUrlBarHiding ()

Enables the url bar to hide as the user scrolls down on the page.


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder setActionButton (Bitmap icon, 
                String description, 
                PendingIntent pendingIntent, 
                boolean shouldTint)

Sets the action button that is displayed in the Toolbar.

This is equivalent to calling addToolbarItem(int, Bitmap, String, PendingIntent) with TOOLBAR_ACTION_BUTTON_ID as id.

icon Bitmap: The icon.

description String: The description for the button. To be used for accessibility.

pendingIntent PendingIntent: pending intent delivered when the button is clicked.

shouldTint boolean: Whether the action button should be tinted.


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder setActionButton (Bitmap icon, 
                String description, 
                PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Sets the action button that is displayed in the Toolbar with default tinting behavior.

icon Bitmap

description String

pendingIntent PendingIntent


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder setCloseButtonIcon (Bitmap icon)

Sets the Close button icon for the custom tab.

icon Bitmap: The icon Bitmap


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder setExitAnimations (Context context, 
                int enterResId, 
                int exitResId)

Sets the exit animations.

context Context: Application context.

enterResId int: Resource ID of the "enter" animation for the application.

exitResId int: Resource ID of the "exit" animation for the browser.


added in version 25.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder setInstantAppsEnabled (boolean enabled)

Sets whether Instant Apps is enabled for this Custom Tab.

enabled boolean: Whether Instant Apps should be enabled.


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder setSecondaryToolbarColor (int color)

Sets the color of the secondary toolbar.

color int: The color for the secondary toolbar.


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder setSecondaryToolbarViews (RemoteViews remoteViews, 
                int[] clickableIDs, 
                PendingIntent pendingIntent)

Sets the remote views displayed in the secondary toolbar in a custom tab.

remoteViews RemoteViews: The RemoteViews that will be shown on the secondary toolbar.

clickableIDs int: The IDs of clickable views. The onClick event of these views will be handled by custom tabs.

pendingIntent PendingIntent: The PendingIntent that will be sent when the user clicks on one of the Views in clickableIDs. When the PendingIntent is sent, it will have the current URL as its intent data.


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder setShowTitle (boolean showTitle)

Sets whether the title should be shown in the custom tab.

showTitle boolean: Whether the title should be shown.


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder setStartAnimations (Context context, 
                int enterResId, 
                int exitResId)

Sets the start animations.

context Context: Application context.

enterResId int: Resource ID of the "enter" animation for the browser.

exitResId int: Resource ID of the "exit" animation for the application.


added in version 24.1.0
CustomTabsIntent.Builder setToolbarColor (int color)

Sets the toolbar color.

color int: Color