
public class ListRowPresenter extends RowPresenter

ListRowPresenter renders ListRow using a HorizontalGridView hosted in a ListRowView.

Hover card

Optionally, setHoverCardPresenterSelector can be used to display a view for the currently focused list item below the rendered list. This view is known as a hover card.

Row selection animation

ListRowPresenter disables RowPresenter's default full row dimming effect and draws a dim overlay on each child individually. A subclass may disable the overlay on each child by overriding isUsingDefaultListSelectEffect to return false and write its own child dim effect in applySelectLevelToChild.


ListRowPresenter applies a default shadow to each child view. Call setShadowEnabled to disable shadows. A subclass may override and return false in isUsingDefaultShadow and replace with its own shadow implementation.


Nested types

A task on the ListRowPresenter.ViewHolder that can select an item by position in the HorizontalGridView and perform an optional item task on it.

ViewHolder for the ListRowPresenter.

Public constructors

Constructs a ListRowPresenter with defaults.

ListRowPresenter(int focusZoomFactor)

Constructs a ListRowPresenter with the given parameters.

ListRowPresenter(int focusZoomFactor, boolean useFocusDimmer)

Constructs a ListRowPresenter with the given parameters.

Public methods

final boolean

Returns true if rounded corners are enabled for children of this row.

final void
enableChildRoundedCorners(boolean enable)

Enables or disabled rounded corners on children of this row.

freeze(@NonNull RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder, boolean freeze)

Freezes/unfreezes the row, typically used when a transition starts/ends.


Returns the expanded row height for rows created by this Presenter.

final int

Returns the zoom factor used for focus highlighting.

final PresenterSelector

Returns the PresenterSelector used for showing a select object in a hover card.


Returns the recycled pool size for the given presenter.


Returns the row height for list rows created by this Presenter.

final boolean

Returns true if child shadow is enabled.

final int

This method is deprecated.

use getFocusZoomFactor instead.

final boolean

Returns true if the focus dimmer is used for focus highlighting; false otherwise.

final boolean

Returns true if keeps foreground of child of this row, false otherwise.


Returns true so that default select effect is applied to each individual child of HorizontalGridView.

final boolean

ListRowPresenter overrides the default select effect of RowPresenter and return false.


Default implementation returns true if SDK version >= 21, shadow (either static or z-order based) will be applied to each individual child of HorizontalGridView.


Returns true if leanback view outline is enabled on the system or false otherwise.


Returns true if SDK >= L, where Z shadow is enabled so that Z order is enabled on each child of horizontal list.

    @NonNull RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder,
    boolean afterEntrance

Changes the visibility of views.

setExpandedRowHeight(int rowHeight)

Sets the expanded row height for rows created by this Presenter.

final void

Sets the PresenterSelector used for showing a select object in a hover card.

final void
setKeepChildForeground(boolean keep)

When ListRowPresenter applies overlay color on the child, it may change child's foreground Drawable.

setNumRows(int numRows)

Sets the numbers of rows for rendering the list of items.

setRecycledPoolSize(Presenter presenter, int size)

Sets the recycled pool size for the given presenter.

setRowHeight(int rowHeight)

Sets the row height for rows created by this Presenter.

final void
setShadowEnabled(boolean enabled)

Enables or disables child shadow.

Protected methods

    ListRowPresenter.ViewHolder rowViewHolder,
    View childView

Applies select level to a child.


Called to create a ViewHolder object for a Row.


Create ShadowOverlayHelper Options.

    RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder,
    boolean selected

Dispatch item selected event using current selected item in the HorizontalGridView.


Called after a RowPresenter.ViewHolder is created for a Row.


Binds the given row object to the given ViewHolder.

onRowViewExpanded(RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder, boolean expanded)

Called when the row view's expanded state changes.

onRowViewSelected(RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder, boolean selected)

Called when the given row view changes selection state.


Applies select level to header and draws a default color dim over each child of HorizontalGridView.


Unbinds the given ViewHolder.

Inherited Constants

From androidx.leanback.widget.RowPresenter
static final int

Don't synchronize row view activated status with selected status or expanded status, application will do its own through setActivated.

static final int

Synchronizes row view's activated status to expand status of the row view holder.

static final int

Sets the row view's activated status to true when both expand and selected are true.

static final int

Synchronizes row view's activated status to selected status of the row view holder.

Inherited methods

From androidx.leanback.widget.FacetProvider
abstract @Nullable Object
getFacet(@NonNull Class<Object> facetClass)

Queries optional implemented facet.

From androidx.leanback.widget.Presenter
static void

Utility method for removing all running animations on a view.

final Object
getFacet(Class<Object> facetClass)

Queries optional implemented facet.

abstract void
    @NonNull Presenter.ViewHolder viewHolder,
    @Nullable Object item

Binds a View to an item.

    @NonNull Presenter.ViewHolder viewHolder,
    @NonNull Object item,
    @NonNull List<Object> payloads

Binds a View to an item with a list of payloads.

abstract @NonNull Presenter.ViewHolder

Creates a new View.

abstract void

Unbinds a View from an item.


Called when a view created by this presenter has been attached to a window.


Called when a view created by this presenter has been detached from its window.

final void
setFacet(Class<Object> facetClass, Object facetImpl)

Sets dynamic implemented facet in addition to basic Presenter functions.


Called to set a click listener for the given view holder.

From androidx.leanback.widget.RowPresenter
final RowHeaderPresenter

Returns the Presenter used for rendering the header, or null if none has been set.

final RowPresenter.ViewHolder

Returns the RowPresenter.ViewHolder from the given RowPresenter ViewHolder.

final boolean

Returns true if the row selection effect is enabled.

final float

Returns the current select level.

final int

Returns the policy of updating row view activated status.


Returns true if the Row view should clip its children.

final void
    @NonNull Presenter.ViewHolder viewHolder,
    @Nullable Object item

Binds a View to an item.

final Presenter.ViewHolder

Creates a new View.


Invoked when the row view is attached to the window.


Invoked when the row view is detached from the window.

final void

Unbinds a View from an item.

final void

Called when a view created by this presenter has been attached to a window.

final void

Called when a view created by this presenter has been detached from its window.

final void

Sets the Presenter used for rendering the header.

final void
setRowViewExpanded(Presenter.ViewHolder holder, boolean expanded)

Sets the expanded state of a Row view.

final void
setRowViewSelected(Presenter.ViewHolder holder, boolean selected)

Sets the selected state of a Row view.

final void
setSelectEffectEnabled(boolean applyDimOnSelect)

Enables or disables the row selection effect.

final void

Sets the current select level to a value between 0 (unselected) and 1 (selected).

final void
setSyncActivatePolicy(int syncActivatePolicy)

Sets the policy of updating row view activated status.

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0
public ListRowPresenter()

Constructs a ListRowPresenter with defaults. Uses ZOOM_FACTOR_MEDIUM for focus zooming and disabled dimming on focus.


Added in 1.1.0
public ListRowPresenter(int focusZoomFactor)

Constructs a ListRowPresenter with the given parameters.

int focusZoomFactor

Controls the zoom factor used when an item view is focused. One of ZOOM_FACTOR_NONE, ZOOM_FACTOR_SMALL, ZOOM_FACTOR_XSMALL, ZOOM_FACTOR_MEDIUM, ZOOM_FACTOR_LARGE Dimming on focus defaults to disabled.


Added in 1.1.0
public ListRowPresenter(int focusZoomFactor, boolean useFocusDimmer)

Constructs a ListRowPresenter with the given parameters.

int focusZoomFactor

Controls the zoom factor used when an item view is focused. One of ZOOM_FACTOR_NONE, ZOOM_FACTOR_SMALL, ZOOM_FACTOR_XSMALL, ZOOM_FACTOR_MEDIUM, ZOOM_FACTOR_LARGE

boolean useFocusDimmer

determines if the FocusHighlighter will use the dimmer

Public methods


Added in 1.1.0
public final boolean areChildRoundedCornersEnabled()

Returns true if rounded corners are enabled for children of this row.


Added in 1.1.0
public final void enableChildRoundedCorners(boolean enable)

Enables or disabled rounded corners on children of this row. Supported on Android SDK >= L.


public void freeze(@NonNull RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder, boolean freeze)

Freezes/unfreezes the row, typically used when a transition starts/ends. This method is called by the fragment, it should not call it directly by the application.


Added in 1.1.0
public int getExpandedRowHeight()

Returns the expanded row height for rows created by this Presenter.


Added in 1.1.0
public final int getFocusZoomFactor()

Returns the zoom factor used for focus highlighting.


Added in 1.1.0
public final PresenterSelector getHoverCardPresenterSelector()

Returns the PresenterSelector used for showing a select object in a hover card.


Added in 1.1.0
public int getRecycledPoolSize(Presenter presenter)

Returns the recycled pool size for the given presenter.


Added in 1.1.0
public int getRowHeight()

Returns the row height for list rows created by this Presenter.


Added in 1.1.0
public final boolean getShadowEnabled()

Returns true if child shadow is enabled. This is not only for enable/disable default shadow implementation but also subclass must respect this flag.


Added in 1.1.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
public final int getZoomFactor()

Returns the zoom factor used for focus highlighting.


Added in 1.1.0
public final boolean isFocusDimmerUsed()

Returns true if the focus dimmer is used for focus highlighting; false otherwise.


Added in 1.1.0
public final boolean isKeepChildForeground()

Returns true if keeps foreground of child of this row, false otherwise. When ListRowPresenter applies overlay color on the child, it may change child's foreground Drawable. If application uses child's foreground for other purposes such as ripple effect, it needs tell ListRowPresenter to keep the child's foreground. The default value is true.


true if keeps foreground of child of this row, false otherwise.


Added in 1.1.0
public boolean isUsingDefaultListSelectEffect()

Returns true so that default select effect is applied to each individual child of HorizontalGridView. Subclass may return false to disable the default implementation and implement applySelectLevelToChild.


public final boolean isUsingDefaultSelectEffect()

ListRowPresenter overrides the default select effect of RowPresenter and return false.


Added in 1.1.0
public boolean isUsingDefaultShadow()

Default implementation returns true if SDK version >= 21, shadow (either static or z-order based) will be applied to each individual child of HorizontalGridView. Subclass may return false to disable default implementation of shadow and provide its own.


Added in 1.1.0
public boolean isUsingOutlineClipping(Context context)

Returns true if leanback view outline is enabled on the system or false otherwise. When false, rounded corner will not be enabled even enableChildRoundedCorners is called with true.

Context context

Context to retrieve system settings.


True if leanback view outline is enabled on the system or false otherwise.


Added in 1.1.0
public boolean isUsingZOrder(Context context)

Returns true if SDK >= L, where Z shadow is enabled so that Z order is enabled on each child of horizontal list. If subclass returns false in isUsingDefaultShadow() and does not use Z-shadow on SDK >= L, it should override isUsingZOrder() return false.


public void setEntranceTransitionState(
    @NonNull RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder,
    boolean afterEntrance

Changes the visibility of views. The entrance transition will be run against the views that change visibilities. A subclass may override and begin with calling super.setEntranceTransitionState(). This method is called by the fragment, it should not be called directly by the application.

@NonNull RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder

The ViewHolder of the row.

boolean afterEntrance

true if children of row participating in entrance transition should be set to visible, false otherwise.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setExpandedRowHeight(int rowHeight)

Sets the expanded row height for rows created by this Presenter. If not set, expanded rows have the same height as unexpanded rows.

int rowHeight

The row height in to use when the row is expanded, in pixels, or WRAP_CONTENT, or 0 to use the default.


Added in 1.1.0
public final void setHoverCardPresenterSelector(PresenterSelector selector)

Sets the PresenterSelector used for showing a select object in a hover card.


Added in 1.1.0
public final void setKeepChildForeground(boolean keep)

When ListRowPresenter applies overlay color on the child, it may change child's foreground Drawable. If application uses child's foreground for other purposes such as ripple effect, it needs tell ListRowPresenter to keep the child's foreground. The default value is true.

boolean keep

true if keep foreground of child of this row, false ListRowPresenter might change the foreground of the child.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setNumRows(int numRows)

Sets the numbers of rows for rendering the list of items. By default, it is set to 1.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setRecycledPoolSize(Presenter presenter, int size)

Sets the recycled pool size for the given presenter.


Added in 1.1.0
public void setRowHeight(int rowHeight)

Sets the row height for rows created by this Presenter. Rows created before calling this method will not be updated.

int rowHeight

Row height in pixels, or WRAP_CONTENT, or 0 to use the default height.


Added in 1.1.0
public final void setShadowEnabled(boolean enabled)

Enables or disables child shadow. This is not only for enable/disable default shadow implementation but also subclass must respect this flag.

Protected methods


Added in 1.1.0
protected void applySelectLevelToChild(
    ListRowPresenter.ViewHolder rowViewHolder,
    View childView

Applies select level to a child. Default implementation draws a default color dim over each child of HorizontalGridView. This method is called on all children in onSelectLevelChanged and when a child is attached to HorizontalGridView.

Subclass may disable the default implementation by override isUsingDefaultListSelectEffect to return false and deal with the individual item select level by itself.

ListRowPresenter.ViewHolder rowViewHolder

The ViewHolder of the Row

View childView

The child of HorizontalGridView to apply select level.


protected RowPresenter.ViewHolder createRowViewHolder(ViewGroup parent)

Called to create a ViewHolder object for a Row. Subclasses will override this method to return a different concrete ViewHolder object.

ViewGroup parent

The parent View for the Row's view holder.


A ViewHolder for the Row's View.


Added in 1.1.0
protected ShadowOverlayHelper.Options createShadowOverlayOptions()

Create ShadowOverlayHelper Options. Subclass may override. e.g. return new ShadowOverlayHelper.Options().roundedCornerRadius(10);


The options to be used for shadow, overlay and rounded corner.


protected void dispatchItemSelectedListener(
    RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder,
    boolean selected

Dispatch item selected event using current selected item in the HorizontalGridView. The method should only be called from onRowViewSelected().


protected void initializeRowViewHolder(RowPresenter.ViewHolder vh)

Called after a RowPresenter.ViewHolder is created for a Row. Subclasses may override this method and start by calling super.initializeRowViewHolder(ViewHolder).

RowPresenter.ViewHolder vh

The ViewHolder to initialize for the Row.


protected void onBindRowViewHolder(
    @NonNull RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder,
    @NonNull Object item

Binds the given row object to the given ViewHolder. Derived classes of RowPresenter overriding onBindRowViewHolder must call through the super class's implementation of this method.


protected void onRowViewExpanded(RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder, boolean expanded)

Called when the row view's expanded state changes. A subclass may override this method to respond to expanded state changes of a Row. The default implementation will hide/show the header view. Subclasses may make visual changes to the Row View but must not create animation on the Row view.


protected void onRowViewSelected(RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder, boolean selected)

Called when the given row view changes selection state. A subclass may override this to respond to selected state changes of a Row. A subclass may make visual changes to Row view but must not create animation on the Row view.


protected void onSelectLevelChanged(RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder)

Applies select level to header and draws a default color dim over each child of HorizontalGridView.

Subclass may override this method and starts with calling super if it has views to apply select effect other than header and HorizontalGridView. To override the default color dim over each child of HorizontalGridView, app should override isUsingDefaultListSelectEffect to return false and override applySelectLevelToChild.


protected void onUnbindRowViewHolder(@NonNull RowPresenter.ViewHolder holder)

Unbinds the given ViewHolder. Derived classes of RowPresenter overriding onUnbindRowViewHolder must call through the super class's implementation of this method.