
@RequiresSchemaVersion(major = 1, minor = 0)
public final class DimensionBuilders.ExpandedDimensionProp implements DimensionBuilders.ContainerDimension, DimensionBuilders.ImageDimension, DimensionBuilders.SpacerDimension

A type for a dimension that fills all the space it can (i.e. MATCH_PARENT in Android parlance).


Nested types

Builder for ExpandedDimensionProp.

Public methods

@Nullable TypeBuilders.FloatProp

Gets the layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element.

@NonNull String

Public methods


Added in 1.0.0
public @Nullable TypeBuilders.FloatProp getLayoutWeight()

Gets the layout weight (a dimensionless scalar value) for this element. This will only affect the width of children of a or the height of children of a androidx.wear.protolayout.LayoutElementBuilders.Column. By default, all children have equal weight. Where applicable, the width or height of the element is proportional to the sum of the weights of its siblings.


public @NonNull String toString()