
public final class MediaPeriodAsserts

Assertion methods for MediaPeriod.


Nested types

Interface to create media periods for testing based on a FilterableManifest.

Public methods

static void

Asserts that the values returns by getStreamKeys are compatible with a FilterableManifest using these stream keys.

static void
<T extends FilterableManifest<T>> assertGetStreamKeysAndManifestFilterIntegration(
    MediaPeriodAsserts.FilterableManifestMediaPeriodFactory<T> mediaPeriodFactory,
    T manifest,
    int periodIndex,
    @Nullable String ignoredMimeType

Asserts that the values returns by getStreamKeys are compatible with a FilterableManifest using these stream keys.

static void
    MediaPeriod mediaPeriod,
    TrackGroupArray expectedGroups

Prepares the MediaPeriod and asserts that it provides the specified track groups.

Public methods


public static void <T extends FilterableManifest<T>> assertGetStreamKeysAndManifestFilterIntegration(
    MediaPeriodAsserts.FilterableManifestMediaPeriodFactory<T> mediaPeriodFactory,
    T manifest

Asserts that the values returns by getStreamKeys are compatible with a FilterableManifest using these stream keys.

MediaPeriodAsserts.FilterableManifestMediaPeriodFactory<T> mediaPeriodFactory

A factory to create a MediaPeriod based on a manifest.

T manifest

The manifest which is to be tested.


public static void <T extends FilterableManifest<T>> assertGetStreamKeysAndManifestFilterIntegration(
    MediaPeriodAsserts.FilterableManifestMediaPeriodFactory<T> mediaPeriodFactory,
    T manifest,
    int periodIndex,
    @Nullable String ignoredMimeType

Asserts that the values returns by getStreamKeys are compatible with a FilterableManifest using these stream keys.

MediaPeriodAsserts.FilterableManifestMediaPeriodFactory<T> mediaPeriodFactory

A factory to create a MediaPeriod based on a manifest.

T manifest

The manifest which is to be tested.

int periodIndex

The index of period in the manifest.

@Nullable String ignoredMimeType

Optional MIME type whose existence in the filtered track groups is not asserted.


public static void assertTrackGroups(
    MediaPeriod mediaPeriod,
    TrackGroupArray expectedGroups

Prepares the MediaPeriod and asserts that it provides the specified track groups.

MediaPeriod mediaPeriod

The MediaPeriod to test.

TrackGroupArray expectedGroups

The expected track groups.