
Added in 7.0.0

interface AndroidComponentsExtension<DslExtensionT : Any?, VariantBuilderT : VariantBuilder, VariantT : Variant> : DslLifecycle, AndroidComponents

Known direct subclasses

Extension for the Android Application Gradle Plugin components.


Extension for the Android Dynamic Feature Gradle Plugin components.


Components extension for KMP Android Gradle Plugin related components.


Extension for the Android Library Gradle Plugin components.


Extension for the Android Test Gradle Plugin components.

Generic extension for Android Gradle Plugin related components.

Each component has a type, like application or library and will have a dedicated extension with methods that are related to the particular component type.

This can be used via

androidComponents {

In a plugin this can be queried via

project.plugins.withType( {
val androidComponents = project.extensions.getByType(

@param DslExtensionT the type of the DSL to be used in DslLifecycle.finalizeDsl @param VariantBuilderT the ComponentBuilder type produced by this variant. @param VariantT the Variant type produced by this variant.


Public functions


Adds a custom configuration for each source set.

    selector: VariantSelector,
    callback: Action<VariantBuilderT>

Action based version of beforeVariants above.

    selector: VariantSelector,
    callback: (VariantBuilderT) -> Unit

Method to register a callback to be called with VariantBuilderT instances that satisfies the selector.

finalizeDSl(callback: Action<DslExtensionT>)

This function is deprecated. Replaced by finalizeDsl

onVariants(selector: VariantSelector, callback: Action<VariantT>)

Action based version of onVariants above.

onVariants(selector: VariantSelector, callback: (VariantT) -> Unit)

Allow for registration of a callback to be called with variant instances of type VariantT once the list of has been determined.

    dslExtension: DslExtension,
    configurator: (variantExtensionConfig: VariantExtensionConfig<VariantT>) -> VariantExtension

Register an Android Gradle Plugin DSL extension.


Register a new source type to all source sets.


Creates a VariantSelector instance that can be configured to reduce the set of ComponentBuilder instances participating in the beforeVariants and onVariants callback invocation.

Inherited functions

finalizeDsl(callback: Action<DslExtensionT>)

Action based version of finalizeDsl above.

finalizeDsl(callback: (DslExtensionT) -> Unit)

API to customize the DSL Objects programmatically after they have been evaluated from the build files and before used in the build process next steps like variant or tasks creation.

Inherited properties


The version of the Android Gradle Plugin currently in use.


Provides access to underlying Android SDK and build-tools components like adb.

Public functions


Added in 8.10.0-beta01
fun addSourceSetConfigurations(suffix: String): Unit

Adds a custom configuration for each source set.

The suffix parameter determines the naming convention for the generated configurations. For example, if suffix is "custom", the generated configurations would be "custom", "debugCustom", "releaseCustom", "testCustom", etc.

Under the hood, this API:

  1. Creates a configuration for each source set.

  2. Creates resolvable configurations for each component.

  3. Ensures that each resolvable configuration extends the corresponding source set configurations.

Each component's corresponding resolvable configuration can be accessed via Component.getResolvableConfiguration.

Example usage:

androidComponents {
onVariants { variant ->
val resolvableConfiguration = variant.getResolvableConfiguration("foo")
variant.nestedComponents.forEach { component ->
val nestedResolvableConfiguration =
suffix: String

the suffix to append to the generated configuration names.


Added in 7.0.0
fun beforeVariants(
    selector: VariantSelector = selector().all(),
    callback: Action<VariantBuilderT>
): Unit

Action based version of beforeVariants above.


Added in 7.0.0
fun beforeVariants(
    selector: VariantSelector = selector().all(),
    callback: (VariantBuilderT) -> Unit
): Unit

Method to register a callback to be called with VariantBuilderT instances that satisfies the selector. The callback will be called as soon as the VariantBuilderT instance has been created but before any has been determined, therefore the build flow can still be changed when the callback is invoked.

At this stage, access to the DSL objects is disallowed, use finalizeDsl method to programmatically access the DSL objects before the VariantBuilderT object is built.

The goal of this callback is to make changes before the variants and components are created. This includes enabling/disabling components and making decisions on properties that can impact task creation and build flow. This guarantees that the matching onVariants callback does not have to deal with changing configuration and can focus on updating task inputs. See ComponentBuilder for more information.

Example without selection:

androidComponents {
beforeVariants {

Example with selection:

androidComponents {
val debug = selector().withBuildType("debug")
beforeVariants(debug) {

See here for more information

selector: VariantSelector = selector().all()

VariantSelector to select which instance of VariantBuilderT are of interest. By default, all instances are of interest.

callback: (VariantBuilderT) -> Unit

lambda to be called with each instance of VariantBuilderT of interest.


Added in 7.0.0
Deprecated in 7.1.0
fun finalizeDSl(callback: Action<DslExtensionT>): Unit

Action based version of finalizeDsl above.


Added in 7.0.0
fun onVariants(
    selector: VariantSelector = selector().all(),
    callback: Action<VariantT>
): Unit

Action based version of onVariants above.


Added in 7.0.0
fun onVariants(
    selector: VariantSelector = selector().all(),
    callback: (VariantT) -> Unit
): Unit

Allow for registration of a callback to be called with variant instances of type VariantT once the list of has been determined.

At this stage, access to the DSL objects is disallowed and access to the VariantBuilderT instance is limited to read-only access.

At this stage, the build flow is final, with the callback for beforeVariants having modified properties that can impact which tasks are created and how they are configured. The ability to query or modify the build intermediate files between tasks, including adding additional new steps between existing tasks must be done via the Component.artifacts API. See for details.

The VariantT object exposes many org.gradle.api.provider.Property that are then used as task inputs. It is safe to set new values on the properties, including using org.gradle.api.provider.Provider with or without task dependencies. When reading values, these org.gradle.api.provider.Property must be lazily linked to properties used as task inputs. It is not safe to call org.gradle.api.provider.Property.get during build configuration.

Example without selection:

androidComponents {
onVariants {

Example with selection:

androidComponents {
val debug = selector().withBuildType("debug")
onVariants(debug) {

See here for more information

selector: VariantSelector = selector().all()

VariantSelector to select which instance of VariantBuilderT are of interest. By default, all instances are of interest.

callback: (VariantT) -> Unit

lambda to be called with each instance of VariantT of interest.


fun registerExtension(
    dslExtension: DslExtension,
    configurator: (variantExtensionConfig: VariantExtensionConfig<VariantT>) -> VariantExtension
): Unit

Register an Android Gradle Plugin DSL extension.

Please see Gradle documentation first at :

A lambda must be provided to create and configure the variant scoped object that will be stored alongside the Android Gradle Plugin's instance.

Variant Scoped objects should use org.gradle.api.provider.Property for its mutable state to allow for late binding. (see for examples).

The DslExtension.Builder allow you to choose if you want to extend Project, BuiltType or ProductFlavor. You can extend just one or up to all of them.

A BuildType extension of type BuildTypeDslExtension will allow users to have the following declarations in their build files:

android {
buildTypes {
debug {
extensions.configure<BuildTypeDslExtension> {
buildTypeSettingOne = "build_type_debug"

A Product flavor extension of type ProductFlavorDslExtension will allow users to specify the following declarations in their build files:

android {
flavorDimensions += "version"
productFlavors {
create("demo") {
dimension = "version"
extensions.configure<ProductFlavorDslExtension> {
productFlavorSettingOne = "product_flavor_demo"
productFlavorSettingTwo = 99
dslExtension: DslExtension

the DSL extension configuration.

configurator: (variantExtensionConfig: VariantExtensionConfig<VariantT>) -> VariantExtension

a lambda to create a variant scoped object. The lambda is provided with the VariantExtensionConfig that can be used to retrieve the VariantT instance as well as DSL extensions registered with DslExtension


an instance of a sub type of VariantExtension that will be stored with the VariantT instance and can be retrieved by Variant.getExtension API.


Added in 7.2.0
fun registerSourceType(name: String): Unit

Register a new source type to all source sets.

The name of the source type will be used to create expected directories names in the various source sets. For instance, src/main/ or src/debug/.

There is no notion of priorities between the build-type, flavor specific directories, all the expected directories will be interpreted as a flat namespace.

Therefore, any org.gradle.api.Task that needs access to the entire list of source folders can just use the Sources.extras's Flat.all method for that source type.

However, If you need to have overriding priorities between the expected directories and therefore require a merging activity, you can still use this API but you will need to create a merging task that will have all sources in input and produce a single output folder for the merged sources.

name: String

the name of the source type.


Added in 7.0.0
fun selector(): VariantSelector

Creates a VariantSelector instance that can be configured to reduce the set of ComponentBuilder instances participating in the beforeVariants and onVariants callback invocation.


VariantSelector to select the variants of interest.