
Added in 8.9.1

interface ApkOutput

Provides an ordered collection of APK batches, each intended for local installation, facilitating staged installations.

An instance of ApkOutput can be obtained via ApplicationVariant.outputProviders

As an example , let's take a Gradle org.gradle.api.Task that needs all the Apks for local deployment:

abstract class FetchApkTask: DefaultTask() {
abstract val apkOutput: Property<com.android.build.api.variant.ApkOutput>

fun execute() {
def apkInstallGroups = apkOutput.apkInstallGroups
for(installGroup: installGroups) {
def taskProvider = tasks.register<FetchApkTask>("installAppApks")
androidComponents {
onVariants(selector().withName("debug")) { variant ->
val appVariant = variant as? ApplicationVariant
if (appVariant != null) {
appVariant.outputProviders.provideApkOutputToTask(taskProvider, FetchApkTask::getOutput, DeviceSpec("testDevice", 33, "", [], true))


Public properties


Returns an ordered collection of co-installable APK batches targeted for a specific device.

Public properties


Added in 8.9.1
val apkInstallGroupsList<ApkInstallGroup>

Returns an ordered collection of co-installable APK batches targeted for a specific device.