
Added in 2.5.0-alpha12

public final class SQLite



static final int

The data type for a BLOB value, i.e. binary data.

static final int

The data type for a 64-bit IEEE floating point number.

static final int

The data type for a 64-bit signed integer.

static final int

The data type for a NULL value.

static final int

The data type for a String.

Public methods

static final void

Executes a single SQL statement that returns no values.

static final @NonNull Void
throwSQLiteException(int errorCode, String errorMsg)

Throws a SQLiteException with its message formed by the given errorCode amd errorMsg.

static final @NonNull R
<R extends Object> use(
    @NonNull SQLiteStatement receiver,
    @NonNull Function1<@NonNull SQLiteStatement, @NonNull R> block

Use the receiver statement within the block and closes it once it is done.



public static final int SQLITE_DATA_BLOB = 4

The data type for a BLOB value, i.e. binary data.


public static final int SQLITE_DATA_FLOAT = 2

The data type for a 64-bit IEEE floating point number.


public static final int SQLITE_DATA_INTEGER = 1

The data type for a 64-bit signed integer.


public static final int SQLITE_DATA_NULL = 5

The data type for a NULL value.


public static final int SQLITE_DATA_TEXT = 3

The data type for a String.

Public methods


public static final void execSQL(@NonNull SQLiteConnection receiver, @NonNull String sql)

Executes a single SQL statement that returns no values.


public static final @NonNull Void throwSQLiteException(int errorCode, String errorMsg)

Throws a SQLiteException with its message formed by the given errorCode amd errorMsg.

public static final @NonNull R <R extends Object> use(
    @NonNull SQLiteStatement receiver,
    @NonNull Function1<@NonNull SQLiteStatement, @NonNull R> block

Use the receiver statement within the block and closes it once it is done.