
abstract class GlanceTileService : TileService

TileService which can consume a Glance composition, convert it to a Wear Tile, and provide it to the system. You must implement the Content function to provide your Tile layout, for example:

class MyTile: GlanceTileService() {
override fun Content {
Text("Hello World!")

You must also register ComposeTileService instances in your manifest to allow the system to discover them. Your service must include an intent filter for the action androidx.wear.tiles.action.BIND_TILE_PROVIDER, and require the permission


Public constructors

Public functions

abstract Unit

Override this method to set the layout to use in your Tile.

suspend T
<T : Any?> getTileState()

Retrieve the state of the wear tile provided by this service

open IBinder?
onBind(intent: Intent)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
onStart(intent: Intent?, startId: Int)
suspend T
<T : Any?> updateTileState(updateState: suspend (T) -> T)

Update the state of the wear tile provided by this service

Protected functions

final ListenableFuture<ResourceBuilders.Resources>

Called by the system to fetch a resources bundle from this GlanceTileService.

open Unit

Called when a tile provided by this Tile Provider is removed from the carousel.

final ListenableFuture<TileBuilders.Tile>

Called by the system to fetch a tile from this GlanceTileService.

Public properties

open GlanceStateDefinition<*>?

Data store for tile data specific to this service

open TimelineMode

Defines the handling of timeline

Inherited functions

From android.content.Context
From android.content.ContextWrapper
open Boolean
    p0: Intent,
    p1: Int,
    p2: String,
    p3: Executor,
    p4: ServiceConnection
open Boolean
    p0: Intent,
    p1: ServiceConnection,
    p2: Context.BindServiceFlags
open Boolean
open Boolean
    p0: Intent,
    p1: Context.BindServiceFlags,
    p2: Executor,
    p3: ServiceConnection
open Boolean
bindService(p0: Intent, p1: Int, p2: Executor, p3: ServiceConnection)
open Boolean
    p0: Intent,
    p1: ServiceConnection,
    p2: Context.BindServiceFlags,
    p3: UserHandle
open Boolean
open Int
open Int
open IntArray
open Int
open Int
open IntArray
open Int
checkContentUriPermissionFull(p0: Uri, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
open Int
checkPermission(p0: String, p1: Int, p2: Int)
open Int
open Int
checkUriPermission(p0: Uri, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
open Int
checkUriPermission(p0: Uri?, p1: String?, p2: String?, p3: Int, p4: Int, p5: Int)
open IntArray
checkUriPermissions(p0: MutableList<Uri>, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int)
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
open Context
createWindowContext(p0: Display, p1: Int, p2: Bundle?)
open Array<String>
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
enforcePermission(p0: String, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: String?)
open Unit
enforceUriPermission(p0: Uri, p1: Int, p2: Int, p3: Int, p4: String)
open Unit
    p0: Uri?,
    p1: String?,
    p2: String?,
    p3: Int,
    p4: Int,
    p5: Int,
    p6: String?
open Array<String>
open Context
open ApplicationInfo
open AssetManager
open AttributionSource
open String?
open Context
open File
open ClassLoader
open File
open ContentResolver
open File
open File
open Int
open File
getDir(p0: String, p1: Int)
open Display?
open File?
open Array<File>
open File?
open Array<File>
open Array<File>
open File
open File
open Executor
open Looper
open File
open File
open Array<File>
open String
open String
open PackageManager
open String
open String
open ContextParams?
open Resources
open SharedPreferences
open Any
open String?
open Resources.Theme
open Drawable

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Int

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Int

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
grantUriPermission(p0: String, p1: Uri, p2: Int)
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open Boolean
open FileInputStream
open FileOutputStream
open SQLiteDatabase
open SQLiteDatabase
    p0: String,
    p1: Int,
    p2: SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory,
    p3: DatabaseErrorHandler?
open Drawable

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Intent?
open Intent?
open Intent?
    p0: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p1: IntentFilter,
    p2: String?,
    p3: Handler?
open Intent?
    p0: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p1: IntentFilter,
    p2: String?,
    p3: Handler?,
    p4: Int
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
revokeUriPermission(p0: String, p1: Uri, p2: Int)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
sendBroadcast(p0: Intent, p1: String?, p2: Bundle?)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: String?,
    p2: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p3: Handler?,
    p4: Int,
    p5: String?,
    p6: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: String?,
    p2: Bundle?,
    p3: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p4: Handler?,
    p5: Int,
    p6: String?,
    p7: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: String?,
    p2: String?,
    p3: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p4: Handler?,
    p5: Int,
    p6: String?,
    p7: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: Int,
    p2: String?,
    p3: String?,
    p4: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p5: Handler?,
    p6: String?,
    p7: Bundle?,
    p8: Bundle?
open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: UserHandle,
    p2: String?,
    p3: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p4: Handler?,
    p5: Int,
    p6: String?,
    p7: Bundle?
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p2: Handler?,
    p3: Int,
    p4: String?,
    p5: Bundle?

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
    p0: Intent,
    p1: UserHandle,
    p2: BroadcastReceiver?,
    p3: Handler?,
    p4: Int,
    p5: String?,
    p6: Bundle?

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open ComponentName?
open Boolean
open Unit
startIntentSender(p0: IntentSender, p1: Intent?, p2: Int, p3: Int, p4: Int)
open Unit
    p0: IntentSender,
    p1: Intent?,
    p2: Int,
    p3: Int,
    p4: Int,
    p5: Bundle?
open ComponentName?
open Boolean
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit

This function is deprecated.

open Unit
open Int
onStartCommand(p0: Intent, p1: Int, p2: Int)
open Unit
open Unit
open Unit
onTimeout(p0: Int, p1: Int)
open Unit
open Boolean
startForeground(p0: Int, p1: Notification, p2: Int)

This function is deprecated. Deprecated in Java

From androidx.wear.tiles.TileService
open ListenableFuture<Void>

Called when the system sends a batch of Tile interaction events that happened since the last time this method was called.

open Unit

Called when a tile provided by this Tile Provider is added to the carousel.

open Unit

This function is deprecated.

use onRecentInteractionEventsAsync.

open Unit

This function is deprecated.

use onRecentInteractionEventsAsync.

open ListenableFuture<ResourceBuilders.Resources>

Called when the system is requesting a resource bundle from this Tile Provider.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0-alpha06
    errorUiLayout: LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement? = errorUiLayout()
errorUiLayout: LayoutElementBuilders.LayoutElement? = errorUiLayout()

If not null and an error occurs within this glance wear tile, the tile is updated with an error UI using the provided layout.

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0-alpha06
abstract fun Content(): Unit

Override this method to set the layout to use in your Tile.


suspend fun <T : Any?> getTileState(): T

Retrieve the state of the wear tile provided by this service


open fun onBind(intent: Intent): IBinder?


open fun onCreate(): Unit


open fun onDestroy(): Unit


Added in 1.0.0-alpha06
open fun onStart(intent: Intent?, startId: Int): Unit


suspend fun <T : Any?> updateTileState(updateState: suspend (T) -> T): T

Update the state of the wear tile provided by this service

Protected functions


Added in 1.0.0-alpha06
protected final fun onResourcesRequest(requestParams: RequestBuilders.ResourcesRequest): ListenableFuture<ResourceBuilders.Resources>

Called by the system to fetch a resources bundle from this GlanceTileService.

Note that this call exists due to this class extending TileService; this should not be called directly.


protected open fun onTileRemoveEvent(requestParams: EventBuilders.TileRemoveEvent): Unit

Called when a tile provided by this Tile Provider is removed from the carousel.

Note that this is called from your app's main thread, which is usually also the UI thread.

requestParams: EventBuilders.TileRemoveEvent

Parameters about the request. See TileRemoveEvent for more info.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha06
protected final fun onTileRequest(requestParams: RequestBuilders.TileRequest): ListenableFuture<TileBuilders.Tile>

Called by the system to fetch a tile from this GlanceTileService.

Note that this call exists due to this class extending TileService; this should not be called directly.

Public properties


Added in 1.0.0-alpha06
open val stateDefinitionGlanceStateDefinition<*>?

Data store for tile data specific to this service


Added in 1.0.0-alpha06
open val timelineModeTimelineMode

Defines the handling of timeline