class AdFilters

A container class for filters which are associated with an ad.

If any of the filters in an AdFilters instance are not satisfied, the associated ad will not be eligible for ad selection. Filters are optional ad parameters and are not required as part of AdData.


Public constructors

AdFilters(frequencyCapFilters: FrequencyCapFilters?)

Public functions

open operator Boolean
equals(other: Any?)

Checks whether two AdFilters objects contain the same information.

open Int

Returns the hash of the AdFilters object's data.

open String

Overrides the toString method.

Public properties


Gets the FrequencyCapFilters instance that represents all frequency cap filters for the ad.

Public constructors


Added in 1.1.0-beta12
AdFilters(frequencyCapFilters: FrequencyCapFilters?)
frequencyCapFilters: FrequencyCapFilters?

Gets the FrequencyCapFilters instance that represents all frequency cap filters for the ad.

Public functions


open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Checks whether two AdFilters objects contain the same information.


open fun hashCode(): Int

Returns the hash of the AdFilters object's data.


open fun toString(): String

Overrides the toString method.

Public properties


Added in 1.1.0-beta12
val frequencyCapFiltersFrequencyCapFilters?

Gets the FrequencyCapFilters instance that represents all frequency cap filters for the ad.