
open class ListenableWatchFaceControlClient : WatchFaceControlClient

ListenableFuture-based compatibility wrapper around WatchFaceControlClient's suspending methods. This class is open to allow mocking.

use Watch Face Format instead


Public companion functions

    context: Context,
    watchFacePackageName: String

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

    context: Context,
    runtimePackageName: String,
    resourceOnlyWatchFacePackageName: String

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

Public constructors

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

Public functions

open Unit

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

open HeadlessWatchFaceClient?
    watchFaceName: ComponentName,
    deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
    surfaceWidth: Int,
    surfaceHeight: Int

This function is deprecated. createHeadlessWatchFaceClient without an id is deprecated

open HeadlessWatchFaceClient?
    id: String,
    watchFaceName: ComponentName,
    deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
    surfaceWidth: Int,
    surfaceHeight: Int

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

open Map<IntDefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicyAndType>

This function is deprecated. Use the WatchFaceMetadataClient instead.

open EditorServiceClient

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

open InteractiveWatchFaceClient?

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

open suspend InteractiveWatchFaceClient
    id: String,
    deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
    watchUiState: WatchUiState,
    userStyle: UserStyleData?,
    slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?

This function is deprecated. Use an overload that specifies a Consumer<String>

open suspend InteractiveWatchFaceClient
    instanceId: String,
    deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
    watchUiState: WatchUiState,
    userStyle: UserStyleData?,
    slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?,
    previewImageUpdateRequestedExecutor: Executor,
    previewImageUpdateRequestedListener: Consumer<String>

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

open Boolean

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

open ListenableFuture<InteractiveWatchFaceClient>
    id: String,
    deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
    watchUiState: WatchUiState,
    userStyle: UserStyleData?,
    slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?

This function is deprecated. Use an overload that specifies Consumer<String>

open ListenableFuture<InteractiveWatchFaceClient>
    id: String,
    deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
    watchUiState: WatchUiState,
    userStyle: UserStyleData?,
    slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?,
    previewImageUpdateRequestedExecutor: Executor,
    previewImageUpdateRequestedListener: Consumer<String>

This function is deprecated. AndroidX watchface libraries are deprecated, use Watch Face Format instead.

Public companion functions


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.3.0-alpha06
fun createWatchFaceControlClient(
    context: Context,
    watchFacePackageName: String
): ListenableFuture<ListenableWatchFaceControlClient>

Returns a ListenableFuture for a ListenableWatchFaceControlClient which attempts to connect to a watch face in the android package watchFacePackageName. Resolves as ServiceNotBoundException if the watch face control service can not be bound.

Note the returned future may resolve immediately on the calling thread or it may resolve asynchronously when the service is connected on a background thread.

context: Context

Calling application's Context.

watchFacePackageName: String

Name of the package containing the watch face control service to bind to.


ListenableFuture<ListenableWatchFaceControlClient> which on success resolves to a ListenableWatchFaceControlClient or throws a ServiceNotBoundException if the watch face control service can not be bound.


Added in 1.2.0
Deprecated in 1.3.0-alpha06
fun createWatchFaceRuntimeControlClientAsync(
    context: Context,
    runtimePackageName: String,
    resourceOnlyWatchFacePackageName: String
): ListenableFuture<ListenableWatchFaceControlClient>

Similar createWatchFaceControlClient this constructs a WatchFaceControlClient which attempts to connect to the watch face runtime in the android package runtimePackageName.

A watch face runtime is a special type of watch face, which renders a watch face described by resources in another package resourceOnlyWatchFacePackageName.

Note only one watch face definition per resource only watch face package is supported.

Currently Wear OS only supports the runtime for the Android Watch Face Format (see for more details).

context: Context

Calling application's Context.

runtimePackageName: String

The name of the package containing the watch face runtime's control service to bind to.

resourceOnlyWatchFacePackageName: String

The name of the package from which to load the resource only watch face. This is exposed to the runtime via the resourceOnlyWatchFacePackageName parameter passed to WatchFaceRuntimeService.createUserStyleSchema, WatchFaceRuntimeService.createComplicationSlotsManager, WatchFaceRuntimeService.createUserStyleFlavors and WatchFaceRuntimeService.createWatchFace).


ListenableFuture<ListenableWatchFaceControlClient> which on success resolves to a ListenableWatchFaceControlClient or throws a ServiceNotBoundException if the watch face control service can not be bound.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.3.0-alpha06
    watchFaceControlClient: WatchFaceControlClient

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.3.0-alpha06
open fun close(): Unit


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
open fun createHeadlessWatchFaceClient(
    watchFaceName: ComponentName,
    deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
    surfaceWidth: Int,
    surfaceHeight: Int
): HeadlessWatchFaceClient?

Creates a HeadlessWatchFaceClient with the specified DeviceConfig. Screenshots made with HeadlessWatchFaceClient.renderWatchFaceToBitmap will be surfaceWidth x surfaceHeight in size.

When finished call HeadlessWatchFaceClient.close to release resources.

watchFaceName: ComponentName

The ComponentName of the watch face to create a headless instance for must be in the same APK the WatchFaceControlClient is connected to. NB a single apk can contain multiple watch faces.

deviceConfig: DeviceConfig

The hardware DeviceConfig

surfaceWidth: Int

The width of screen shots taken by the HeadlessWatchFaceClient

surfaceHeight: Int

The height of screen shots taken by the HeadlessWatchFaceClient


The HeadlessWatchFaceClient or null if watchFaceName is unrecognized.


Added in 1.1.0
Deprecated in 1.3.0-alpha06
open fun createHeadlessWatchFaceClient(
    id: String,
    watchFaceName: ComponentName,
    deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
    surfaceWidth: Int,
    surfaceHeight: Int
): HeadlessWatchFaceClient?

Creates a HeadlessWatchFaceClient with the specified DeviceConfig. Screenshots made with HeadlessWatchFaceClient.renderWatchFaceToBitmap will be surfaceWidth x surfaceHeight in size.

When finished call HeadlessWatchFaceClient.close to release resources.

id: String

The ID for the requested HeadlessWatchFaceClient, will be exposed to the watch face via androidx.wear.watchface.WatchState.watchFaceInstanceId.

watchFaceName: ComponentName

The ComponentName of the watch face to create a headless instance for must be in the same APK the WatchFaceControlClient is connected to. NB a single apk can contain multiple watch faces.

deviceConfig: DeviceConfig

The hardware DeviceConfig

surfaceWidth: Int

The width of screen shots taken by the HeadlessWatchFaceClient

surfaceHeight: Int

The height of screen shots taken by the HeadlessWatchFaceClient


The HeadlessWatchFaceClient or null if watchFaceName is unrecognized.


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.1.0
open fun getDefaultComplicationDataSourcePoliciesAndType(
    watchFaceName: ComponentName
): Map<IntDefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicyAndType>

Returns a map of androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlot id to the DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicyAndType for each androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlot in the watchface corresponding to watchFaceName. Where possible a fast path is used that doesn't need to fully construct the corresponding watch face.

watchFaceName: ComponentName

The ComponentName of the watch face to obtain the map of DefaultComplicationDataSourcePolicyAndTypes for. It must be in the same APK the WatchFaceControlClient is connected to. NB a single apk can contain multiple watch faces.


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.3.0-alpha06
open fun getEditorServiceClient(): EditorServiceClient


Added in 1.0.0
Deprecated in 1.3.0-alpha06
open fun getInteractiveWatchFaceClientInstance(instanceId: String): InteractiveWatchFaceClient?

Returns the InteractiveWatchFaceClient for the given instance id, or null if no such instance exists.

When finished call InteractiveWatchFaceClient.close to release resources.

instanceId: String

The name of the interactive watch face instance to retrieve


The InteractiveWatchFaceClient or null if instanceId is unrecognized, or ServiceNotBoundException if the WatchFaceControlService is not bound.


open suspend fun getOrCreateInteractiveWatchFaceClient(
    id: String,
    deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
    watchUiState: WatchUiState,
    userStyle: UserStyleData?,
    slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?
): InteractiveWatchFaceClient

Requests either an existing InteractiveWatchFaceClient with the specified id or schedules creation of an InteractiveWatchFaceClient for the next time the WallpaperService creates an engine.

NOTE that currently only one InteractiveWatchFaceClient per process can exist at a time.

id: String

The ID for the requested InteractiveWatchFaceClient, will be exposed to the watch face via androidx.wear.watchface.WatchState.watchFaceInstanceId.

deviceConfig: DeviceConfig

The DeviceConfig for the wearable.

watchUiState: WatchUiState

The initial WatchUiState for the wearable.

userStyle: UserStyleData?

Optional UserStyleData to apply to the instance (whether or not it's created). If null then the pre-existing user style is preserved (if the instance is created this will be the's default).

slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?

The initial androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlot data, or null if unavailable.


The InteractiveWatchFaceClient, this should be closed when finished.


if the watchface dies during startup.


open suspend fun getOrCreateInteractiveWatchFaceClient(
    instanceId: String,
    deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
    watchUiState: WatchUiState,
    userStyle: UserStyleData?,
    slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?,
    previewImageUpdateRequestedExecutor: Executor,
    previewImageUpdateRequestedListener: Consumer<String>
): InteractiveWatchFaceClient

Requests either an existing InteractiveWatchFaceClient with the specified instanceId or schedules creation of an InteractiveWatchFaceClient for the next time the WallpaperService creates an engine.

NOTE that currently only one InteractiveWatchFaceClient per process can exist at a time.

instanceId: String

The ID for the requested InteractiveWatchFaceClient, will be exposed to the watch face via androidx.wear.watchface.WatchState.watchFaceInstanceId.

deviceConfig: DeviceConfig

The DeviceConfig for the wearable.

watchUiState: WatchUiState

The initial WatchUiState for the wearable.

userStyle: UserStyleData?

Optional UserStyleData to apply to the instance (whether or not it's created). If null then the pre-existing user style is preserved (if the instance is created this will be the's default).

slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?

The initial androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlot data, or null if unavailable.

previewImageUpdateRequestedExecutor: Executor

The Executor on which to run previewImageUpdateRequestedListener if the watch face calls Renderer.sendPreviewImageNeedsUpdateRequest.

previewImageUpdateRequestedListener: Consumer<String>

The Consumer fires when the watch face calls Renderer.sendPreviewImageNeedsUpdateRequest, indicating that it now looks visually different. The string passed to the Consumer is the ID of the watch face (see instanceId passed into getOrCreateInteractiveWatchFaceClient) requesting the update. This will usually match the current watch face but it could also be from a previous watch face if InteractiveWatchFaceClient.updateWatchFaceInstance is called shortly after Renderer.sendPreviewImageNeedsUpdateRequest. The Consumer should Schedule creation of a headless instance to render a new preview image for the instanceId. This is likely an expensive operation and should be rate limited.


The InteractiveWatchFaceClient, this should be closed when finished.


if the watchface dies during startup.


open fun hasComplicationDataCache(): Boolean

Whether or not the watch face has a ComplicationData cache. Based on this the system may wish to adopt a different strategy for sending complication data. E.g. sending initial blank complications before fetching the real ones is not necessary.


open fun listenableGetOrCreateInteractiveWatchFaceClient(
    id: String,
    deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
    watchUiState: WatchUiState,
    userStyle: UserStyleData?,
    slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?
): ListenableFuture<InteractiveWatchFaceClient>

ListenableFuture wrapper around WatchFaceControlClient.getOrCreateInteractiveWatchFaceClient. This is open to allow mocking.

id: String

The Id of the interactive instance to get or create.

deviceConfig: DeviceConfig

The DeviceConfig of the interactive instance (only used when creating)

watchUiState: WatchUiState

The initial WatchUiState for the wearable.

userStyle: UserStyleData?

Optional UserStyleData to apply to the instance (whether or not it's created). If null then the pre-existing user style is preserved (if the instance is created this will be the's default).

slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?

The initial androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlot data, or null if unavailable.


open fun listenableGetOrCreateInteractiveWatchFaceClient(
    id: String,
    deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
    watchUiState: WatchUiState,
    userStyle: UserStyleData?,
    slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?,
    previewImageUpdateRequestedExecutor: Executor,
    previewImageUpdateRequestedListener: Consumer<String>
): ListenableFuture<InteractiveWatchFaceClient>

ListenableFuture wrapper around WatchFaceControlClient.getOrCreateInteractiveWatchFaceClient. This is open to allow mocking.

id: String

The Id of the interactive instance to get or create.

deviceConfig: DeviceConfig

The DeviceConfig of the interactive instance (only used when creating)

watchUiState: WatchUiState

The initial WatchUiState for the wearable.

userStyle: UserStyleData?

Optional UserStyleData to apply to the instance (whether or not it's created). If null then the pre-existing user style is preserved (if the instance is created this will be the's default).

slotIdToComplicationData: Map<IntComplicationData>?

The initial androidx.wear.watchface.ComplicationSlot data, or null if unavailable.

previewImageUpdateRequestedExecutor: Executor

The Executor on which to run previewImageUpdateRequestedListener if the watch face calls Renderer.sendPreviewImageNeedsUpdateRequest.

previewImageUpdateRequestedListener: Consumer<String>

The Consumer fires when the watch face calls Renderer.sendPreviewImageNeedsUpdateRequest, indicating that it now looks visually different. The string passed to the Consumer is the ID of the watch face (see id passed into getOrCreateInteractiveWatchFaceClient) requesting the update. This will usually match the current watch face but it could also be from a previous watch face if InteractiveWatchFaceClient.updateWatchFaceInstance is called shortly after Renderer.sendPreviewImageNeedsUpdateRequest. The Consumer should Schedule creation of a headless instance to render a new preview image for the instanceId. This is likely an expensive operation and should be rate limited.