
class ImmutableAffineTransform : AffineTransform

An affine transformation in the plane. The transformation can be thought of as a 3x3 matrix:

⎡m00  m10  m20⎤
⎢m01 m11 m21⎥
⎣ 0 0 1 ⎦

Applying the transformation can be thought of as a matrix multiplication, with the to-be-transformed point represented as a column vector with an extra 1:

⎡m00  m10  m20⎤   ⎡x⎤   ⎡m00*x + m10*y + m20⎤
⎢m01 m11 m21⎥ * ⎢y⎥ = ⎢m01*x + m11*y + m21⎥
⎣ 0 0 1 ⎦ ⎣1⎦ ⎣ 1 ⎦

Transformations are composed via multiplication. Multiplication is not commutative (i.e. AB != BA), and the left-hand transformation is composed "after" the right hand transformation. E.g., if you have:

val rotate = ImmutableAffineTransform.rotate(Angle.degreesToRadians(45))
val translate = ImmutableAffineTransform.translate(Vec(10, 0))

then rotate * translate first translates 10 units in the positive x-direction, then rotates 45° about the origin.

See MutableAffineTransform for mutable alternative to this class.


Public companion functions

scale(scaleFactor: Float)

Returns a transformation that scales in both the x- and y-direction by the given scaleFactor, centered about the origin.

scale(xScaleFactor: Float, yScaleFactor: Float)

Returns a transformation that scales in both the x- and y-direction by the given pair of factors; xScaleFactor and yScaleFactor respectively, centered about the origin.

scaleX(scaleFactor: Float)

Returns a transformation that scales in the x-direction by the given factor, centered about the origin.

scaleY(scaleFactor: Float)

Returns a transformation that scales in the y-direction by the given factor, centered about the origin.

translate(offset: Vec)

Returns a transformation that translates by the given offset vector.

Public constructors

Like the primary constructor, but accepts a FloatArray instead of individual Float values.

    m00: Float,
    m10: Float,
    m20: Float,
    m01: Float,
    m11: Float,
    m21: Float

Constructs this transform with 6 float values, starting with the top left corner of the matrix and proceeding in row-major order.

Public functions

open operator Boolean
equals(other: Any?)

Component-wise equality operator for ImmutableAffineTransform.

open Int
open String

Inherited functions

applyTransform(box: Box, outParallelogram: MutableParallelogram)

Apply the AffineTransform to the Box and store the result in the MutableParallelogram.

    parallelogram: Parallelogram,
    outParallelogram: MutableParallelogram

Apply the AffineTransform to the Parallelogram and store the result in the MutableParallelogram.

applyTransform(segment: Segment, outSegment: MutableSegment)

Apply the AffineTransform to the Segment and store the result in the MutableSegment.

applyTransform(triangle: Triangle, outTriangle: MutableTriangle)

Apply the AffineTransform to the Triangle and store the result in the MutableTriangle.

applyTransform(vec: Vec, outVec: MutableVec)

Apply the AffineTransform to the Vec and store the result in the MutableVec.


Populates outAffineTransform with the inverse of this AffineTransform.

@Size(min = 6) FloatArray
getValues(outArray: @Size(min = 6) FloatArray)

Populates the first 6 elements of outArray with the values of this transform, starting with the top left corner of the matrix and proceeding in row-major order.

Public companion functions


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
fun scale(scaleFactor: Float): ImmutableAffineTransform

Returns a transformation that scales in both the x- and y-direction by the given scaleFactor, centered about the origin.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
fun scale(xScaleFactor: Float, yScaleFactor: Float): ImmutableAffineTransform

Returns a transformation that scales in both the x- and y-direction by the given pair of factors; xScaleFactor and yScaleFactor respectively, centered about the origin.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
fun scaleX(scaleFactor: Float): ImmutableAffineTransform

Returns a transformation that scales in the x-direction by the given factor, centered about the origin.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
fun scaleY(scaleFactor: Float): ImmutableAffineTransform

Returns a transformation that scales in the y-direction by the given factor, centered about the origin.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
fun translate(offset: Vec): ImmutableAffineTransform

Returns a transformation that translates by the given offset vector.

Public constructors


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
ImmutableAffineTransform(values: @Size(min = 6) FloatArray)

Like the primary constructor, but accepts a FloatArray instead of individual Float values.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha01
    m00: Float,
    m10: Float,
    m20: Float,
    m01: Float,
    m11: Float,
    m21: Float

Constructs this transform with 6 float values, starting with the top left corner of the matrix and proceeding in row-major order. Prefer to create this object with functions that apply specific transform operations, such as scale or translate, rather than directly passing in the actual numeric values of this transform. This constructor is useful for when the values are needed to be provided all at once, for example for serialization. To access these values in the same order as they are passed in here, use AffineTransform.getValues. To construct this object using an array as input, there is another public constructor for that.

Public functions


open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Component-wise equality operator for ImmutableAffineTransform.

Due to the propagation floating point precision errors, operations that may be equivalent over the real numbers are not always equivalent for floats, and might return false for equals in some cases.


open fun hashCode(): Int


open fun toString(): String