class PagerState : ScrollableState

The state that can be used in conjunction with Wear HorizontalPager and VerticalPager.


Public companion properties

Saver<PagerState, *>

To keep current page and page offset saved

Public constructors

    currentPage: @IntRange(from = 0) Int,
    currentPageOffsetFraction: @FloatRange(from = -0.5, to = 0.5) Float,
    pageCount: @IntRange(from = 1) () -> Int

Public functions

suspend Unit
    page: Int,
    pageOffsetFraction: @FloatRange(from = -0.5, to = 0.5) Float,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float>

Scroll animate to a given page.

open Float
open suspend Unit
scroll(scrollPriority: MutatePriority, block: suspend ScrollScope.() -> Unit)
suspend Unit
    page: Int,
    pageOffsetFraction: @FloatRange(from = -0.5, to = 0.5) Float

Scroll (jump immediately) to a given page.

Public properties


The current page displayed by the pager.


The fractional offset from the start of the current page, in the range -0.5,0.5, where 0 indicates the start of the current page


InteractionSource that will be used to dispatch drag events when this list is being dragged.

open Boolean

A PagerLayoutInfo that contains useful information about the Pager's last layout pass.


The total number of pages present in this pager.


The page that is currently "settled".

Public companion properties


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
val SaverSaver<PagerState, *>

To keep current page and page offset saved

Public constructors


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
    currentPage: @IntRange(from = 0) Int = 0,
    currentPageOffsetFraction: @FloatRange(from = -0.5, to = 0.5) Float = 0.0f,
    pageCount: @IntRange(from = 1) () -> Int
currentPage: @IntRange(from = 0) Int = 0

The index of the current active page.

currentPageOffsetFraction: @FloatRange(from = -0.5, to = 0.5) Float = 0.0f

The fractional offset from the start of the current page. Should be between -0.5 and 0.5, where 0 indicates the start of the initial page.

pageCount: @IntRange(from = 1) () -> Int

The number of pages in this Pager.

Public functions


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
suspend fun animateScrollToPage(
    page: Int,
    pageOffsetFraction: @FloatRange(from = -0.5, to = 0.5) Float = 0.0f,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = spring()
): Unit

Scroll animate to a given page. If the page is too far away from currentPage we will not compose all pages in the way. We will pre-jump to a nearer page, compose and animate the rest of the pages until page.

page: Int

The destination page to scroll to

pageOffsetFraction: @FloatRange(from = -0.5, to = 0.5) Float = 0.0f

A fraction of the page size that indicates the offset the destination page will be offset from its snapped position.

animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = spring()

An AnimationSpec to move between pages. We'll use a spring as the default animation.


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
open fun dispatchRawDelta(delta: Float): Float


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
open suspend fun scroll(scrollPriority: MutatePriority, block: suspend ScrollScope.() -> Unit): Unit


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
suspend fun scrollToPage(
    page: Int,
    pageOffsetFraction: @FloatRange(from = -0.5, to = 0.5) Float = 0.0f
): Unit

Scroll (jump immediately) to a given page.

page: Int

The destination page to scroll to

pageOffsetFraction: @FloatRange(from = -0.5, to = 0.5) Float = 0.0f

A fraction of the page size that indicates the offset the destination page will be offset from its snapped position.

Public properties


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
val currentPageInt

The current page displayed by the pager.


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
val currentPageOffsetFractionFloat

The fractional offset from the start of the current page, in the range -0.5,0.5, where 0 indicates the start of the current page


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
val interactionSourceInteractionSource

InteractionSource that will be used to dispatch drag events when this list is being dragged. If you want to know whether the fling (or animated scroll) is in progress, use isScrollInProgress.


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
open val isScrollInProgressBoolean


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
val layoutInfoPagerLayoutInfo

A PagerLayoutInfo that contains useful information about the Pager's last layout pass. For instance, you can query the page size.

This property is observable and is updated after every scroll or remeasure. If you use it in the composable function it will be recomposed on every change causing potential performance issues including infinity recomposition loop. Therefore, avoid using it in the composition.

If you want to run some side effects like sending an analytics event or updating a state based on this value consider using "snapshotFlow".


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
val pageCountInt

The total number of pages present in this pager.


Added in 1.5.0-alpha12
val settledPageInt

The page that is currently "settled". This is an animation/gesture unaware page in the sense that it will not be updated while the pages are being scrolled, but rather when the animation/scroll settles.