
class StereoSurfaceEntity : BaseEntity

StereoSurfaceEntity is a concrete implementation of Entity that hosts a StereoSurface Canvas. The entity creates and owns an Android Surface into which the application can render stereo image content. This Surface is then texture mapped to the canvas, and if a stereoscopic StereoMode is specified, then the User will see left and right eye content mapped to the appropriate display.

Note that it is not currently possible to synchronize CanvasShape and StereoMode changes with application rendering or video decoding. Applications are advised to carefully hide this entity around transitions to manage glitchiness.


Public companion functions

    session: Session,
    stereoMode: Int,
    pose: Pose,
    canvasShape: StereoSurfaceEntity.CanvasShape

Public factory function for a StereoSurfaceEntity.

Public functions


Returns a surface into which the application can render stereo image content.

Public properties


The shape of the canvas that backs the Entity.


Returns the dimensions of the Entity.


Controls how the surface content will be routed for stereo viewing.

Inherited functions

From androidx.xr.scenecore.ActivityPose
abstract Pose

Returns the activity space pose for this ActivityPose.

abstract Pose
transformPoseTo(pose: Pose, destination: ActivityPose)

Returns a pose relative to this ActivityPose transformed into a pose relative to the destination.

From androidx.xr.scenecore.BaseEntity
open Unit
addChild(child: Entity)

Sets an Entity to be represented in this coordinate space.

open Boolean
addComponent(component: Component)

Adds a Component to this Entity.

open Unit

Disposes of any system resources held by this Entity, and transitively calls dispose() on all its children.

open Float

Returns the global alpha of this entity computed by multiplying the parent's global alpha to this entity's local alpha.

open Float

Returns the alpha transparency set for this Entity.

open List<Component>

Retrieves all components attached to this Entity.

open List<T>

Retrieves all Components of the given type T and its sub-types attached to this Entity.

open Entity?

Returns the parent of this Entity.

open Pose

Returns the pose for this entity, relative to its parent.

open Float

Returns the local scale of this entity, not inclusive of the parent's scale.

open Dimensions

Returns the dimensions (in meters) for this Entity.

open Float

Returns the accumulated scale of this Entity.

open Boolean
isHidden(includeParents: Boolean)

Returns the hidden status of this Entity.

open Unit

Remove all components from this Entity.

open Unit

Removes the given Component from this Entity.

open Unit
setAlpha(alpha: Float)

Sets the alpha transparency of the Entity and its children.

open Unit

Sets alternate text for this entity to be consumed by Accessibility systems.

open Unit
setHidden(hidden: Boolean)

Sets the local hidden state of this Entity.

open Unit
setParent(parent: Entity?)

Sets this Entity to be represented in the parent's coordinate space.

open Unit
setPose(pose: Pose)

Sets the pose for this Entity, relative to its parent.

open Unit
setScale(scale: Float)

Sets the scale of this entity relative to its parent.

open Unit
setSize(dimensions: Dimensions)

Sets the dimensions in pixels for the Entity.

Public companion functions


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
fun create(
    session: Session,
    stereoMode: Int = StereoSurfaceEntity.StereoMode.SIDE_BY_SIDE,
    pose: Pose = Pose.Identity,
    canvasShape: StereoSurfaceEntity.CanvasShape = CanvasShape.Quad(1.0f, 1.0f)
): StereoSurfaceEntity

Public factory function for a StereoSurfaceEntity.

This method must be called from the main thread.

session: Session

Session to create the StereoSurfaceEntity in.

stereoMode: Int = StereoSurfaceEntity.StereoMode.SIDE_BY_SIDE

Stereo mode for the surface.

pose: Pose = Pose.Identity

Pose of this entity relative to its parent, default value is Identity.

canvasShape: StereoSurfaceEntity.CanvasShape = CanvasShape.Quad(1.0f, 1.0f)

The CanvasShape which describes the spatialized shape of the canvas.


a StereoSurfaceEntity instance

Public functions


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
fun getSurface(): Surface

Returns a surface into which the application can render stereo image content.

This method must be called from the main thread.

Public properties


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
var canvasShapeStereoSurfaceEntity.CanvasShape

The shape of the canvas that backs the Entity.

Updating this value will alter the dimensions of the Entity.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
val dimensionsDimensions

Returns the dimensions of the Entity.

This is the size of the canvas in the local spatial coordinate system of the entity. This field cannot be directly set - to update the dimensions of the canvas, update the value of canvasShape.


Added in 1.0.0-alpha02
var stereoModeInt

Controls how the surface content will be routed for stereo viewing. Applications must render into the surface in accordance with what is specified here in order for the compositor to correctly produce a stereoscopic view to the user.

Values must be one of the values from StereoMode.