
interface MutableKeyValueStore : KeyValueStore

An interface to a read-write key-value store. Used as a Data Access Object for the LOCAL_DATA table.


Public methods
abstract ByteArray?
put(key: String, value: ByteArray)

Associates the specified value with the specified key.

abstract ByteArray?
remove(key: String)

Removes the mapping for the specified key.

Inherited functions

Public methods


abstract fun put(
    key: String,
    value: ByteArray
): ByteArray?

Associates the specified value with the specified key. If a value already exists for that key, the old value is replaced.
This method may take several seconds to complete, so it should only be called from a worker thread.

key String: key with which the specified value is to be associated This value cannot be null.
value ByteArray: value to be associated with the specified key This value cannot be null.
ByteArray? the previous value associated with key, or null if there was no mapping for key.


abstract fun remove(key: String): ByteArray?

Removes the mapping for the specified key.
This method may take several seconds to complete, so it should only be called from a worker thread.

key String: key whose mapping is to be removed This value cannot be null.
ByteArray? the previous value associated with key, or null if there was no mapping for key.