Added in API level 1


open class PipedInputStream : InputStream

A piped input stream should be connected to a piped output stream; the piped input stream then provides whatever data bytes are written to the piped output stream. Typically, data is read from a PipedInputStream object by one thread and data is written to the corresponding PipedOutputStream by some other thread. Attempting to use both objects from a single thread is not recommended, as it may deadlock the thread. The piped input stream contains a buffer, decoupling read operations from write operations, within limits. A pipe is said to be broken if a thread that was providing data bytes to the connected piped output stream is no longer alive.


static Int

The default size of the pipe's circular input buffer.

Public constructors

Creates a PipedInputStream so that it is not yet connected.

PipedInputStream(pipeSize: Int)

Creates a PipedInputStream so that it is not yet connected and uses the specified pipe size for the pipe's buffer.

Creates a PipedInputStream so that it is connected to the piped output stream src.

Creates a PipedInputStream so that it is connected to the piped output stream src and uses the specified pipe size for the pipe's buffer.

Public methods
open Int

Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.

open Unit

Closes this piped input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.

open Unit

Causes this piped input stream to be connected to the piped output stream src.

open Int

Reads the next byte of data from this piped input stream.

open Int
read(b: ByteArray!, off: Int, len: Int)

Reads up to len bytes of data from this piped input stream into an array of bytes.

Protected methods
open Unit

Receives a byte of data.

Inherited functions

The circular buffer into which incoming data is placed.


The index of the position in the circular buffer at which the next byte of data will be stored when received from the connected piped output stream.


The index of the position in the circular buffer at which the next byte of data will be read by this piped input stream.



Added in API level 1
protected static val PIPE_SIZE: Int

The default size of the pipe's circular input buffer.

Value: 1024

Public constructors


Added in API level 1

Creates a PipedInputStream so that it is not yet connected. It must be connected to a PipedOutputStream before being used.


Added in API level 9
PipedInputStream(pipeSize: Int)

Creates a PipedInputStream so that it is not yet connected and uses the specified pipe size for the pipe's buffer. It must be connected to a PipedOutputStream before being used.

pipeSize Int: the size of the pipe's buffer.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if pipeSize <= 0.


Added in API level 1
PipedInputStream(src: PipedOutputStream!)

Creates a PipedInputStream so that it is connected to the piped output stream src. Data bytes written to src will then be available as input from this stream.

src PipedOutputStream!: the stream to connect to.
Exceptions if an I/O error occurs.


Added in API level 9
    src: PipedOutputStream!,
    pipeSize: Int)

Creates a PipedInputStream so that it is connected to the piped output stream src and uses the specified pipe size for the pipe's buffer. Data bytes written to src will then be available as input from this stream.

src PipedOutputStream!: the stream to connect to.
pipeSize Int: the size of the pipe's buffer.
Exceptions if an I/O error occurs.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if pipeSize <= 0.

Public methods


Added in API level 1
open fun available(): Int

Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.

Int the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking, or 0 if this input stream has been closed by invoking its #close() method, or if the pipe is unconnected, or broken.
Exceptions if an I/O error occurs. if an I/O error occurs.


Added in API level 1
open fun close(): Unit

Closes this piped input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.

java.lang.Exception if this resource cannot be closed if an I/O error occurs. if an I/O error occurs.


Added in API level 1
open fun connect(src: PipedOutputStream!): Unit

Causes this piped input stream to be connected to the piped output stream src. If this object is already connected to some other piped output stream, an IOException is thrown.

If src is an unconnected piped output stream and snk is an unconnected piped input stream, they may be connected by either the call:


or the call:


The two calls have the same effect.

src PipedOutputStream!: The piped output stream to connect to.
Exceptions if an I/O error occurs.


Added in API level 1
open fun read(): Int

Reads the next byte of data from this piped input stream. The value byte is returned as an int in the range 0 to 255. This method blocks until input data is available, the end of the stream is detected, or an exception is thrown.

Int the next byte of data, or -1 if the end of the stream is reached.
Exceptions if an I/O error occurs. if the pipe is unconnected, broken, closed, or if an I/O error occurs.


Added in API level 1
open fun read(
    b: ByteArray!,
    off: Int,
    len: Int
): Int

Reads up to len bytes of data from this piped input stream into an array of bytes. Less than len bytes will be read if the end of the data stream is reached or if len exceeds the pipe's buffer size. If len is zero, then no bytes are read and 0 is returned; otherwise, the method blocks until at least 1 byte of input is available, end of the stream has been detected, or an exception is thrown.

b ByteArray!: the buffer into which the data is read.
off Int: the start offset in the destination array b
len Int: the maximum number of bytes read.
Int the total number of bytes read into the buffer, or -1 if there is no more data because the end of the stream has been reached.
Exceptions If the first byte cannot be read for any reason other than end of file, or if the input stream has been closed, or if some other I/O error occurs.
java.lang.NullPointerException If b is null.
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If off is negative, len is negative, or len is greater than b.length - off
java.lang.NullPointerException If b is null.
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException If off is negative, len is negative, or len is greater than b.length - off if the pipe is broken, unconnected, closed, or if an I/O error occurs.

Protected methods


Added in API level 1
protected open fun receive(b: Int): Unit

Receives a byte of data. This method will block if no input is available.

b Int: the byte being received
Exceptions If the pipe is broken, unconnected, closed, or if an I/O error occurs.



Added in API level 1
protected var buffer: ByteArray!

The circular buffer into which incoming data is placed.


Added in API level 1
protected var in: Int

The index of the position in the circular buffer at which the next byte of data will be stored when received from the connected piped output stream. in<0 implies the buffer is empty, in==out implies the buffer is full


Added in API level 1
protected var out: Int

The index of the position in the circular buffer at which the next byte of data will be read by this piped input stream.