Added in API level 30


open class LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter : NumberRangeFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberRangeFormatter!>

A NumberRangeFormatter that has a locale associated with it; this means .formatRange() methods are available. Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.


Public methods
open FormattedNumberRange!
formatRange(first: Double, second: Double)

Format the given doubles to a string using the settings specified in the NumberRangeFormatter fluent setting chain.

open FormattedNumberRange!
formatRange(first: Int, second: Int)

Format the given integers to a string using the settings specified in the NumberRangeFormatter fluent setting chain.

open FormattedNumberRange!
formatRange(first: Number!, second: Number!)

Format the given Numbers to a string using the settings specified in the NumberRangeFormatter fluent setting chain.

open UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter!

Disassociate the locale from this formatter.

Inherited functions

Public methods


Added in API level 30
open fun formatRange(
    first: Double,
    second: Double
): FormattedNumberRange!

Format the given doubles to a string using the settings specified in the NumberRangeFormatter fluent setting chain.

first Double: The first number in the range, usually to the left in LTR locales.
second Double: The second number in the range, usually to the right in LTR locales.
FormattedNumberRange! A FormattedNumberRange object; call .toString() to get the string.


Added in API level 30
open fun formatRange(
    first: Int,
    second: Int
): FormattedNumberRange!

Format the given integers to a string using the settings specified in the NumberRangeFormatter fluent setting chain.

first Int: The first number in the range, usually to the left in LTR locales.
second Int: The second number in the range, usually to the right in LTR locales.
FormattedNumberRange! A FormattedNumberRange object; call .toString() to get the string.


Added in API level 30
open fun formatRange(
    first: Number!,
    second: Number!
): FormattedNumberRange!

Format the given Numbers to a string using the settings specified in the NumberRangeFormatter fluent setting chain.

first Number!: The first number in the range, usually to the left in LTR locales.
second Number!: The second number in the range, usually to the right in LTR locales.
FormattedNumberRange! A FormattedNumberRange object; call .toString() to get the string.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if first or second is null


Added in API level 36
open fun withoutLocale(): UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter!

Disassociate the locale from this formatter.

UnlocalizedNumberRangeFormatter! The fluent chain.