Added in API level 1


interface ViewManager

Interface to let you add and remove child views to an Activity. To get an instance of this class, call Context.getSystemService().


Public methods
abstract Unit
addView(view: View!, params: ViewGroup.LayoutParams!)

Assign the passed LayoutParams to the passed View and add the view to the window.

abstract Unit
removeView(view: View!)

abstract Unit

Public methods


Added in API level 1
abstract fun addView(
    view: View!,
    params: ViewGroup.LayoutParams!
): Unit

Assign the passed LayoutParams to the passed View and add the view to the window.

Throws android.view.WindowManager.BadTokenException for certain programming errors, such as adding a second view to a window without removing the first view.

Throws android.view.WindowManager.InvalidDisplayException if the window is on a secondary Display and the specified display can't be found (see

view View!: The view to be added to this window.
params ViewGroup.LayoutParams!: The LayoutParams to assign to view.


Added in API level 1
abstract fun removeView(view: View!): Unit


Added in API level 1
abstract fun updateViewLayout(
    view: View!,
    params: ViewGroup.LayoutParams!
): Unit