Added in API level 1
Deprecated in API level 5


class People : BaseColumns, Contacts.PeopleColumns, Contacts.PhonesColumns, Contacts.PresenceColumns
   ↳ android.provider.Contacts.People

This table contains people.


Nested classes

A subdirectory of a single person that contains all of their ContactMethods.

The extensions for a person

A sub directory of a single person that contains all of their Phones.

static String

The MIME type of a CONTENT_URI subdirectory of a single person.

static String

The MIME type of CONTENT_URI providing a directory of people.

static String

The default sort order for this table

static String

The ID of the persons preferred email.

static String

The ID of the persons preferred organization.

static String

The ID of the persons preferred phone number.

Inherited constants
Public methods
static Uri!
addToGroup(resolver: ContentResolver!, personId: Long, groupName: String!)

Adds a person to a group referred to by name.

static Uri!
addToGroup(resolver: ContentResolver!, personId: Long, groupId: Long)

Adds a person to a group.

static Uri!
addToMyContactsGroup(resolver: ContentResolver!, personId: Long)

Adds a person to the My Contacts group.

static Uri!

Creates a new contacts and adds it to the "My Contacts" group.

static Bitmap!
loadContactPhoto(context: Context!, person: Uri!, placeholderImageResource: Int, options: BitmapFactory.Options!)

Opens an InputStream for the person's photo and returns the photo as a Bitmap.

static Unit
markAsContacted(resolver: ContentResolver!, personId: Long)

This API is no longer supported as of O.

static InputStream!

Opens an InputStream for the person's photo and returns the photo as a Bitmap.

static Cursor!
queryGroups(resolver: ContentResolver!, person: Long)

static Unit
setPhotoData(cr: ContentResolver!, person: Uri!, data: ByteArray!)

Set the photo for this person.

static Uri!

The content:// style URL for filtering people by name.

static Uri!

The content:// style URL for this table

static Uri!

The content:// style URL for the table that holds the deleted contacts.



Added in API level 1
static val CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE: String

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

The MIME type of a CONTENT_URI subdirectory of a single person.

Value: ""


Added in API level 1
static val CONTENT_TYPE: String

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

The MIME type of CONTENT_URI providing a directory of people.

Value: ""


Added in API level 1
static val DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER: String

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

The default sort order for this table

Value: "name ASC"


Added in API level 1
static val PRIMARY_EMAIL_ID: String

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

The ID of the persons preferred email.

Type: INTEGER (foreign key to contact_methods table on the _ID field)

Value: "primary_email"


Added in API level 1

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

The ID of the persons preferred organization.

Type: INTEGER (foreign key to organizations table on the _ID field)

Value: "primary_organization"


Added in API level 1
static val PRIMARY_PHONE_ID: String

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

The ID of the persons preferred phone number.

Type: INTEGER (foreign key to phones table on the _ID field)

Value: "primary_phone"

Public methods


Added in API level 1
static fun addToGroup(
    resolver: ContentResolver!,
    personId: Long,
    groupName: String!
): Uri!

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

Adds a person to a group referred to by name.

resolver ContentResolver!: the resolver to use
personId Long: the person to add to the group
groupName String!: the name of the group to add the contact to
Uri! the URI of the group membership row
java.lang.IllegalStateException if the group can't be found


Added in API level 1
static fun addToGroup(
    resolver: ContentResolver!,
    personId: Long,
    groupId: Long
): Uri!

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

Adds a person to a group.

resolver ContentResolver!: the resolver to use
personId Long: the person to add to the group
groupId Long: the group to add the person to
Uri! the URI of the group membership row


Added in API level 1
static fun addToMyContactsGroup(
    resolver: ContentResolver!,
    personId: Long
): Uri!

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

Adds a person to the My Contacts group.

resolver ContentResolver!: the resolver to use
personId Long: the person to add to the group
Uri! the URI of the group membership row
java.lang.IllegalStateException if the My Contacts group can't be found


Added in API level 1
static fun createPersonInMyContactsGroup(
    resolver: ContentResolver!,
    values: ContentValues!
): Uri!

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

Creates a new contacts and adds it to the "My Contacts" group.

resolver ContentResolver!: the ContentResolver to use
values ContentValues!: the values to use when creating the contact
Uri! the URI of the contact, or null if the operation fails


Added in API level 1
static fun loadContactPhoto(
    context: Context!,
    person: Uri!,
    placeholderImageResource: Int,
    options: BitmapFactory.Options!
): Bitmap!

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

Opens an InputStream for the person's photo and returns the photo as a Bitmap. If the person's photo isn't present returns the placeholderImageResource instead.

context Context!: the Context
person Uri!: the person whose photo should be used
placeholderImageResource Int: the image resource to use if the person doesn't have a photo
options BitmapFactory.Options!: the decoding options, can be set to null


Added in API level 1
static fun markAsContacted(
    resolver: ContentResolver!,
    personId: Long
): Unit

Deprecated: Deprecated in Java.

This API is no longer supported as of O.


Added in API level 1
static fun openContactPhotoInputStream(
    cr: ContentResolver!,
    person: Uri!
): InputStream!

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

Opens an InputStream for the person's photo and returns the photo as a Bitmap. If the person's photo isn't present returns the placeholderImageResource instead.

person Uri!: the person whose photo should be used


Added in API level 1
static fun queryGroups(
    resolver: ContentResolver!,
    person: Long
): Cursor!

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract


Added in API level 1
static fun setPhotoData(
    cr: ContentResolver!,
    person: Uri!,
    data: ByteArray!
): Unit

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

Set the photo for this person. data may be null

cr ContentResolver!: the ContentResolver to use
person Uri!: the Uri of the person whose photo is to be updated
data ByteArray!: the byte[] that represents the photo



Added in API level 1
static val CONTENT_FILTER_URI: Uri!

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

The content:// style URL for filtering people by name. The filter argument should be passed as an additional path segment after this URI.


Added in API level 1
static val CONTENT_URI: Uri!

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

The content:// style URL for this table


Added in API level 1
static val DELETED_CONTENT_URI: Uri!

Deprecated: see android.provider.ContactsContract

The content:// style URL for the table that holds the deleted contacts.