Leaderboards in Android games

This guide shows you how to use leaderboards APIs in an Android app to create visual leaderboards, record a player's score, and compare the score against the player's score from previous game sessions. The APIs can be found in the com.google.android.gms.games and com.google.android.gms.games.leaderboards packages.

Before you begin

If you haven't already done so, you might find it helpful to review the leaderboards game concepts.

Before you start to code using the leaderboards APIs:

Get the leaderboards client

To start using the leaderboards API, your game must first obtain a LeaderboardsClient object. You can do this by calling the Games.getLeadeboardsClient() method and passing in the activity.

Update the player's score

When the player's score changes (for example, when the player finishes the game), your game can update their score on the leaderboard by calling LeaderboardsClient.submitScore(), and passing in the leaderboard ID and the raw score value.

The following code snippet shows how your app can update the player’s score:

    .submitScore(getString(R.string.leaderboard_id), 1337);

A good practice is to define the leaderboard ID in your strings.xml file, so your game can reference the leaderboards by resource ID. When making calls to update and load player scores, make sure to also follow these best practices to avoid exceeding your API quota.

Display a leaderboard

To display leaderboard, call LeaderboardsClient.getLeaderboardIntent() to get an Intent to create the default leaderboard user interface. Your game can then bring up the UI by calling startActivityForResult.

The following code snippet shows how your app can update the player’s score. In the code snippet, RC_LEADERBOARD_UI is an arbitrary integer for the request code.

private static final int RC_LEADERBOARD_UI = 9004;

private void showLeaderboard() {
      .addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Intent>() {
        public void onSuccess(Intent intent) {
          startActivityForResult(intent, RC_LEADERBOARD_UI);

Even though no result is returned, you have to use startActivityForResult so that the API can obtain the identity of the calling package. An example of the default leaderboard UI is shown below.