
public class LauncherApps
extends Object


Class for retrieving a list of launchable activities for the current user and any associated managed profiles that are visible to the current user, which can be retrieved with getProfiles(). This is mainly for use by launchers. Apps can be queried for each user profile. Since the PackageManager will not deliver package broadcasts for other profiles, you can register for package changes here.

To watch for managed profiles being added or removed, register for the following broadcasts: Intent.ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_ADDED and Intent.ACTION_MANAGED_PROFILE_REMOVED.

Note as of Android O, apps on a managed profile are no longer allowed to access apps on the main profile. Apps can only access profiles returned by getProfiles().


Nested classes

class LauncherApps.ArchiveCompatibilityParams

Used to enable Archiving compatibility options with LauncherApps.setArchiveCompatibility(ArchiveCompatibilityParams)

class LauncherApps.Callback

Callbacks for package changes to this and related managed profiles. 

class LauncherApps.PinItemRequest

Represents a "pin shortcut" or a "pin appwidget" request made by an app, which is sent with an LauncherApps.ACTION_CONFIRM_PIN_SHORTCUT or LauncherApps.ACTION_CONFIRM_PIN_APPWIDGET intent respectively to the default launcher app. 

class LauncherApps.ShortcutQuery

Represents a query passed to LauncherApps.getShortcuts(, android.os.UserHandle)



Activity Action: For the default launcher to show the confirmation dialog to create a pinned app widget.


Activity Action: For the default launcher to show the confirmation dialog to create a pinned shortcut.


An extra for ACTION_CONFIRM_PIN_SHORTCUT & ACTION_CONFIRM_PIN_APPWIDGET containing a PinItemRequest of appropriate type asked to pin.

Public methods

List<LauncherActivityInfo> getActivityList(String packageName, UserHandle user)

Retrieves a list of activities that specify Intent.ACTION_MAIN and Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER, across all apps, for a specified user.

List<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo> getAllPackageInstallerSessions()

Return list of all known install sessions in this user and managed profiles, regardless of the installer.

IntentSender getAppMarketActivityIntent(String packageName, UserHandle user)

Returns an intent sender which can be used to start the App Market activity (Installer Activity).

ApplicationInfo getApplicationInfo(String packageName, int flags, UserHandle user)

Returns ApplicationInfo about an application installed for a specific user profile.

final LauncherUserInfo getLauncherUserInfo(UserHandle userHandle)

Returns information related to a user which is useful for displaying UI elements to distinguish it from other users (eg, badges).

LauncherApps.PinItemRequest getPinItemRequest(Intent intent)

A helper method to extract a PinItemRequest set to the EXTRA_PIN_ITEM_REQUEST extra.

List<String> getPreInstalledSystemPackages(UserHandle userHandle)

Returns the list of the system packages that are installed at user creation.

IntentSender getPrivateSpaceSettingsIntent()

Returns IntentSender which can be used to start the Private Space Settings Activity.

List<UserHandle> getProfiles()

Return a list of profiles that the caller can access via the LauncherApps APIs.

Drawable getShortcutBadgedIconDrawable(ShortcutInfo shortcut, int density)

Returns the shortcut icon with badging appropriate for the profile.

IntentSender getShortcutConfigActivityIntent(LauncherActivityInfo info)

Returns an intent sender which can be used to start the configure activity for creating custom shortcuts.

List<LauncherActivityInfo> getShortcutConfigActivityList(String packageName, UserHandle user)

Retrieves a list of config activities for creating ShortcutInfo.

Drawable getShortcutIconDrawable(ShortcutInfo shortcut, int density)

Returns the icon for this shortcut, without any badging for the profile.

PendingIntent getShortcutIntent(String packageName, String shortcutId, Bundle opts, UserHandle user)

Returns PendingIntent associated with specified shortcut.

List<ShortcutInfo> getShortcuts(LauncherApps.ShortcutQuery query, UserHandle user)

Returns ShortcutInfos that match query.

Bundle getSuspendedPackageLauncherExtras(String packageName, UserHandle user)

Gets the launcher extras supplied to the system when the given package was suspended via PackageManager#setPackagesSuspended(String[], boolean, PersistableBundle, PersistableBundle, String).

boolean hasShortcutHostPermission()

Returns whether the caller can access the shortcut information.

boolean isActivityEnabled(ComponentName component, UserHandle user)

Checks if the activity exists and it enabled for a profile.

boolean isPackageEnabled(String packageName, UserHandle user)

Checks if the package is installed and enabled for a profile.

void pinShortcuts(String packageName, List<String> shortcutIds, UserHandle user)

Pin shortcuts on a package.

void registerCallback(LauncherApps.Callback callback)

Registers a callback for changes to packages in this user and managed profiles.

void registerCallback(LauncherApps.Callback callback, Handler handler)

Registers a callback for changes to packages in this user and managed profiles.

void registerPackageInstallerSessionCallback(Executor executor, PackageInstaller.SessionCallback callback)

Register a callback to watch for session lifecycle events in this user and managed profiles.

LauncherActivityInfo resolveActivity(Intent intent, UserHandle user)

Returns the activity info for a given intent and user handle, if it resolves.

void setArchiveCompatibility(LauncherApps.ArchiveCompatibilityParams params)

Disable different archive compatibility options of the launcher for the caller of this method.

boolean shouldHideFromSuggestions(String packageName, UserHandle user)

Returns whether a package should be hidden from suggestions to the user.

void startAppDetailsActivity(ComponentName component, UserHandle user, Rect sourceBounds, Bundle opts)

Starts the settings activity to show the application details for a package in the specified profile.

void startMainActivity(ComponentName component, UserHandle user, Rect sourceBounds, Bundle opts)

Starts a Main activity in the specified profile.

void startPackageInstallerSessionDetailsActivity(PackageInstaller.SessionInfo sessionInfo, Rect sourceBounds, Bundle opts)

Starts an activity to show the details of the specified session.

void startShortcut(String packageName, String shortcutId, Rect sourceBounds, Bundle startActivityOptions, UserHandle user)

Starts a shortcut.

void startShortcut(ShortcutInfo shortcut, Rect sourceBounds, Bundle startActivityOptions)

Launches a shortcut.

void unregisterCallback(LauncherApps.Callback callback)

Unregisters a callback that was previously registered.

void unregisterPackageInstallerSessionCallback(PackageInstaller.SessionCallback callback)

Unregisters a callback that was previously registered.

Inherited methods



Added in API level 26
public static final String ACTION_CONFIRM_PIN_APPWIDGET

Activity Action: For the default launcher to show the confirmation dialog to create a pinned app widget.

See the AppWidgetManager.requestPinAppWidget(ComponentName, Bundle, PendingIntent) javadoc for details.

Use getPinItemRequest(android.content.Intent) to get a PinItemRequest object, and call PinItemRequest.accept(Bundle) if the user accepts. If the user doesn't accept, no further action is required.

Constant Value: ""


Added in API level 26
public static final String ACTION_CONFIRM_PIN_SHORTCUT

Activity Action: For the default launcher to show the confirmation dialog to create a pinned shortcut.

See the ShortcutManager javadoc for details.

Use getPinItemRequest(android.content.Intent) to get a PinItemRequest object, and call PinItemRequest.accept(Bundle) if the user accepts. If the user doesn't accept, no further action is required.

Constant Value: ""


Added in API level 26
public static final String EXTRA_PIN_ITEM_REQUEST

An extra for ACTION_CONFIRM_PIN_SHORTCUT & ACTION_CONFIRM_PIN_APPWIDGET containing a PinItemRequest of appropriate type asked to pin.

A helper function getPinItemRequest(android.content.Intent) can be used instead of using this constant directly.

Constant Value: ""

Public methods


Added in API level 21
public List<LauncherActivityInfo> getActivityList (String packageName, 
                UserHandle user)

Retrieves a list of activities that specify Intent.ACTION_MAIN and Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER, across all apps, for a specified user. If an app doesn't have any activities that specify ACTION_MAIN or CATEGORY_LAUNCHER, the system adds a synthesized activity to the list. This synthesized activity represents the app's details page within system settings.

Note: It's possible for system apps, such as app stores, to prevent the system from adding synthesized activities to the returned list.

As of Android Q, at least one of the app's activities or synthesized activities appears in the returned list unless the app satisfies at least one of the following conditions:

  • The app is a system app.
  • The app doesn't request any permissions.
  • The app doesn't have a launcher activity that is enabled by default. A launcher activity has an intent containing the ACTION_MAIN action and the CATEGORY_LAUNCHER category.

Additionally, the system hides synthesized activities for some or all apps in the following enterprise-related cases:

  • If the device is a fully managed device, no synthesized activities for any app appear in the returned list.
  • If the current user has a work profile, no synthesized activities for the user's work apps appear in the returned list.

If the user in question is a hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

packageName String: The specific package to query. If null, it checks all installed packages in the profile.

user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile.

List<LauncherActivityInfo> List of launchable activities. Can be an empty list but will not be null.


Added in API level 29
public List<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo> getAllPackageInstallerSessions ()

Return list of all known install sessions in this user and managed profiles, regardless of the installer. Callers need to either declare <queries> element with the specific package name in the app's manifest, have the android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES, or be the session owner to retrieve these details.

To receive callbacks for hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

List<PackageInstaller.SessionInfo> This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 35
public IntentSender getAppMarketActivityIntent (String packageName, 
                UserHandle user)

Returns an intent sender which can be used to start the App Market activity (Installer Activity). This method is primarily used to get an intent sender which starts App Market activity for another profile, if the caller is not otherwise allowed to start activity in that profile.

When packageName is set, intent sender to start the App Market Activity which installed the package in calling user will be returned, but for the profile passed.

When packageName is not set, intent sender to launch the default App Market Activity for the profile will be returned. In case there are multiple App Market Activities available for the profile, IntentPicker will be started, allowing user to choose the preferred activity.

The method will fall back to the behaviour of not having the packageName set, in case:

  • No activity for the packageName is found in calling user-space.
  • The App Market Activity which installed the package in calling user-space is not present.
  • The App Market Activity which installed the package in calling user-space is not present in the profile passed.

If the user in question is a hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

packageName String: the package for which intent sender to launch App Market Activity is required. This value may be null.

user UserHandle: the profile for which intent sender to launch App Market Activity is required. This value cannot be null.

IntentSender IntentSender object which launches the App Market Activity, null in case there is no such activity.


Added in API level 26
public ApplicationInfo getApplicationInfo (String packageName, 
                int flags, 
                UserHandle user)

Returns ApplicationInfo about an application installed for a specific user profile.

If the user in question is a hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

packageName String: The package name of the application This value cannot be null.

flags int: Additional option flags PackageManager.getApplicationInfo Value is either 0 or a combination of PackageManager.GET_META_DATA, PackageManager.GET_SHARED_LIBRARY_FILES, PackageManager.MATCH_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES, PackageManager.MATCH_SYSTEM_ONLY,, PackageManager.MATCH_DISABLED_COMPONENTS, PackageManager.MATCH_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED_COMPONENTS,,, PackageManager.GET_DISABLED_UNTIL_USED_COMPONENTS, PackageManager.GET_UNINSTALLED_PACKAGES,, PackageManager.MATCH_APEX, and PackageManager.MATCH_ARCHIVED_PACKAGES

user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile. This value cannot be null.

ApplicationInfo ApplicationInfo containing information about the package. Returns null if the package isn't installed for the given profile, or the profile isn't enabled.



Added in API level 35
public final LauncherUserInfo getLauncherUserInfo (UserHandle userHandle)

Returns information related to a user which is useful for displaying UI elements to distinguish it from other users (eg, badges).

If the user in question is a hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

userHandle UserHandle: user handle of the user for which LauncherUserInfo is requested. This value cannot be null.

LauncherUserInfo the LauncherUserInfo object related to the user specified, null in case the user is inaccessible.


Added in API level 26
public LauncherApps.PinItemRequest getPinItemRequest (Intent intent)

A helper method to extract a PinItemRequest set to the EXTRA_PIN_ITEM_REQUEST extra.

intent Intent



Added in API level 35
public List<String> getPreInstalledSystemPackages (UserHandle userHandle)

Returns the list of the system packages that are installed at user creation.

An empty list denotes that all system packages should be treated as pre-installed for that user at creation.

If the user in question is a hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

userHandle UserHandle: the user for which installed system packages are required. This value cannot be null.

List<String> List of String, representing the package name of the installed package. Can be empty but not null.


Added in API level 36
public IntentSender getPrivateSpaceSettingsIntent ()

Returns IntentSender which can be used to start the Private Space Settings Activity.

Caller should have RoleManager.ROLE_HOME and either of the permissions required.

IntentSender IntentSender object which launches the Private Space Settings Activity, if successful, null otherwise.


Added in API level 26
public List<UserHandle> getProfiles ()

Return a list of profiles that the caller can access via the LauncherApps APIs.

If the caller is running on a managed profile, it'll return only the current profile. Otherwise it'll return the same list as UserManager.getUserProfiles() would.

To get hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.



Added in API level 25
public Drawable getShortcutBadgedIconDrawable (ShortcutInfo shortcut, 
                int density)

Returns the shortcut icon with badging appropriate for the profile.

The calling launcher application must be allowed to access the shortcut information, as defined in hasShortcutHostPermission().

shortcut ShortcutInfo

density int: Optional density for the icon, or 0 to use the default density. Use

Drawable A badged icon for the shortcut.

IllegalStateException when the user is locked, or when the user user is locked or not running.


Added in API level 26
public IntentSender getShortcutConfigActivityIntent (LauncherActivityInfo info)

Returns an intent sender which can be used to start the configure activity for creating custom shortcuts. Use this method if the provider is in another profile as you are not allowed to start an activity in another profile.

The caller should receive PinItemRequest in onActivityResult on Activity.RESULT_OK.

Callers must be allowed to access the shortcut information, as defined in hasShortcutHostPermission().

info LauncherActivityInfo: a configuration activity returned by getShortcutConfigActivityList(String, UserHandle) This value cannot be null.

IntentSender This value may be null.

IllegalStateException when the user is locked or not running.
SecurityException if hasShortcutHostPermission() is false.


Added in API level 26
public List<LauncherActivityInfo> getShortcutConfigActivityList (String packageName, 
                UserHandle user)

Retrieves a list of config activities for creating ShortcutInfo.

packageName String: The specific package to query. If null, it checks all installed packages in the profile.

user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile. This value cannot be null.

List<LauncherActivityInfo> List of config activities. Can be an empty list but will not be null. Empty list will be returned for user-profiles that have items restricted on home screen.


Added in API level 25
public Drawable getShortcutIconDrawable (ShortcutInfo shortcut, 
                int density)

Returns the icon for this shortcut, without any badging for the profile.

The calling launcher application must be allowed to access the shortcut information, as defined in hasShortcutHostPermission().

shortcut ShortcutInfo: This value cannot be null.

density int: The preferred density of the icon, zero for default density. Use density DPI values from DisplayMetrics.

Drawable The drawable associated with the shortcut.

IllegalStateException when the user is locked, or when the user user is locked or not running.


Added in API level 31
public PendingIntent getShortcutIntent (String packageName, 
                String shortcutId, 
                Bundle opts, 
                UserHandle user)

Returns PendingIntent associated with specified shortcut.

packageName String: The packageName of the shortcut This value cannot be null.

shortcutId String: The id of the shortcut This value cannot be null.

opts Bundle: This parameter is no longer supported This value may be null.

user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile This value cannot be null.

PendingIntent This value may be null.


Added in API level 25
public List<ShortcutInfo> getShortcuts (LauncherApps.ShortcutQuery query, 
                UserHandle user)

Returns ShortcutInfos that match query.

Callers must be allowed to access the shortcut information, as defined in hasShortcutHostPermission().

query LauncherApps.ShortcutQuery: result includes shortcuts matching this query. This value cannot be null.

user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile. This value cannot be null.

List<ShortcutInfo> the IDs of ShortcutInfos that match the query. This value may be null.

IllegalStateException when the user is locked, or when the user user is locked or not running.

See also:


Added in API level 28
public Bundle getSuspendedPackageLauncherExtras (String packageName, 
                UserHandle user)

Gets the launcher extras supplied to the system when the given package was suspended via PackageManager#setPackagesSuspended(String[], boolean, PersistableBundle, PersistableBundle, String).

The contents of this Bundle are supposed to be a contract between the suspending app and the launcher.

If the user in question is a hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

Note: This just returns whatever extras were provided to the system, which might even be null.

packageName String: The package for which to fetch the launcher extras.

user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile.

Bundle A Bundle of launcher extras. Or null if the package is not currently suspended.


Added in API level 25
public boolean hasShortcutHostPermission ()

Returns whether the caller can access the shortcut information. Access is currently available to:

  • The current launcher (or default launcher if there is no set current launcher).
  • The currently active voice interaction service.

Note when this method returns false, it may be a temporary situation because the user is trying a new launcher application. The user may decide to change the default launcher back to the calling application again, so even if a launcher application loses this permission, it does not have to purge pinned shortcut information. If the calling launcher application contains pinned shortcuts, they will still work, even though the caller no longer has the shortcut host permission.


IllegalStateException when the user is locked.

See also:


Added in API level 21
public boolean isActivityEnabled (ComponentName component, 
                UserHandle user)

Checks if the activity exists and it enabled for a profile.

The activity may still not be exported, in which case startMainActivity(ComponentName, UserHandle, Rect, Bundle) will throw a SecurityException unless the caller has the same UID as the target app's.

If the user in question is a hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

component ComponentName: The activity to check.

user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile.

boolean true if the activity exists and is enabled.


Added in API level 21
public boolean isPackageEnabled (String packageName, 
                UserHandle user)

Checks if the package is installed and enabled for a profile.

If the user in question is a hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

packageName String: The package to check.

user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile.

boolean true if the package exists and is enabled.


Added in API level 25
public void pinShortcuts (String packageName, 
                List<String> shortcutIds, 
                UserHandle user)

Pin shortcuts on a package.

This API is NOT cumulative; this will replace all pinned shortcuts for the package. However, different launchers may have different set of pinned shortcuts.

The calling launcher application must be allowed to access the shortcut information, as defined in hasShortcutHostPermission().

For user-profiles with items restricted on home screen, caller must have the required permission.

packageName String: The target package name. This value cannot be null.

shortcutIds List: The IDs of the shortcut to be pinned. This value cannot be null.

user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile. This value cannot be null.

IllegalStateException when the user is locked, or when the user user is locked or not running.

See also:


Added in API level 21
public void registerCallback (LauncherApps.Callback callback)

Registers a callback for changes to packages in this user and managed profiles.

To receive callbacks for hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

This callback will also receive changes to the LauncherUserInfo.getUserConfig(), allowing clients to monitor updates to the user-specific configuration.

callback LauncherApps.Callback: The callback to register.


Added in API level 21
public void registerCallback (LauncherApps.Callback callback, 
                Handler handler)

Registers a callback for changes to packages in this user and managed profiles.

To receive callbacks for hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

This callback will also receive changes to the LauncherUserInfo.getUserConfig(), allowing clients to monitor updates to the user-specific configuration.

callback LauncherApps.Callback: The callback to register.

handler Handler: that should be used to post callbacks on, may be null.


Added in API level 29
public void registerPackageInstallerSessionCallback (Executor executor, 
                PackageInstaller.SessionCallback callback)

Register a callback to watch for session lifecycle events in this user and managed profiles. Callers need to either declare <queries> element with the specific package name in the app's manifest, have the android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES, or be the session owner to watch for these events.

Session callbacks are not sent for user-profiles that have items restricted on home screen.

executor Executor: Executor to handle the callbacks, cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). Otherwise, provide an Executor that dispatches to an appropriate thread.

callback PackageInstaller.SessionCallback: The callback to register. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 21
public LauncherActivityInfo resolveActivity (Intent intent, 
                UserHandle user)

Returns the activity info for a given intent and user handle, if it resolves. Otherwise it returns null.

If the user in question is a hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

intent Intent: The intent to find a match for.

user UserHandle: The profile to look in for a match.

LauncherActivityInfo An activity info object if there is a match.


Added in API level 35
public void setArchiveCompatibility (LauncherApps.ArchiveCompatibilityParams params)

Disable different archive compatibility options of the launcher for the caller of this method.

params LauncherApps.ArchiveCompatibilityParams: This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 29
public boolean shouldHideFromSuggestions (String packageName, 
                UserHandle user)

Returns whether a package should be hidden from suggestions to the user. Currently, this could be done because the package was marked as distracting to the user via PackageManager.setDistractingPackageRestrictions(String[], int).

If the user in question is a hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

packageName String: The package for which to check. This value cannot be null.

user UserHandle: the UserHandle of the profile. This value cannot be null.



Added in API level 21
public void startAppDetailsActivity (ComponentName component, 
                UserHandle user, 
                Rect sourceBounds, 
                Bundle opts)

Starts the settings activity to show the application details for a package in the specified profile.

If the user in question is a hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

component ComponentName: The ComponentName of the package to launch settings for.

user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile

sourceBounds Rect: The Rect containing the source bounds of the clicked icon

opts Bundle: Options to pass to startActivity


Added in API level 21
public void startMainActivity (ComponentName component, 
                UserHandle user, 
                Rect sourceBounds, 
                Bundle opts)

Starts a Main activity in the specified profile.

If the user in question is a hidden profile UserManager.USER_TYPE_PROFILE_PRIVATE, caller should have normal Manifest.permission.ACCESS_HIDDEN_PROFILES permission and the RoleManager.ROLE_HOME role.

component ComponentName: The ComponentName of the activity to launch

user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile

sourceBounds Rect: The Rect containing the source bounds of the clicked icon

opts Bundle: Options to pass to startActivity


Added in API level 29
public void startPackageInstallerSessionDetailsActivity (PackageInstaller.SessionInfo sessionInfo, 
                Rect sourceBounds, 
                Bundle opts)

Starts an activity to show the details of the specified session.

sessionInfo PackageInstaller.SessionInfo: The SessionInfo of the session This value cannot be null.

sourceBounds Rect: The Rect containing the source bounds of the clicked icon This value may be null.

opts Bundle: Options to pass to startActivity This value may be null.


Added in API level 25
public void startShortcut (String packageName, 
                String shortcutId, 
                Rect sourceBounds, 
                Bundle startActivityOptions, 
                UserHandle user)

Starts a shortcut.

The calling launcher application must be allowed to access the shortcut information, as defined in hasShortcutHostPermission().

packageName String: The target shortcut package name. This value cannot be null.

shortcutId String: The target shortcut ID. This value cannot be null.

sourceBounds Rect: The Rect containing the source bounds of the clicked icon. This value may be null.

startActivityOptions Bundle: Options to pass to startActivity. This value may be null.

user UserHandle: The UserHandle of the profile. This value cannot be null.

IllegalStateException when the user is locked, or when the user user is locked or not running.
ActivityNotFoundException failed to start shortcut. (e.g. the shortcut no longer exists, is disabled, the intent receiver activity doesn't exist, etc)


Added in API level 25
public void startShortcut (ShortcutInfo shortcut, 
                Rect sourceBounds, 
                Bundle startActivityOptions)

Launches a shortcut.

The calling launcher application must be allowed to access the shortcut information, as defined in hasShortcutHostPermission().

shortcut ShortcutInfo: The target shortcut. This value cannot be null.

sourceBounds Rect: The Rect containing the source bounds of the clicked icon. This value may be null.

startActivityOptions Bundle: Options to pass to startActivity. This value may be null.

IllegalStateException when the user is locked, or when the user user is locked or not running.
ActivityNotFoundException failed to start shortcut. (e.g. the shortcut no longer exists, is disabled, the intent receiver activity doesn't exist, etc)


Added in API level 21
public void unregisterCallback (LauncherApps.Callback callback)

Unregisters a callback that was previously registered.

callback LauncherApps.Callback: The callback to unregister.


Added in API level 29
public void unregisterPackageInstallerSessionCallback (PackageInstaller.SessionCallback callback)

Unregisters a callback that was previously registered.

callback PackageInstaller.SessionCallback: The callback to unregister. This value cannot be null.