Added in API level 1


A framework for writing Android test cases and suites.

For more information, see the Testing developer guide.


FlakyTest This @interface was deprecated in API level 24. Use FlakyTest instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
RepetitiveTest This @interface was deprecated in API level Baklava. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
UiThreadTest This @interface was deprecated in API level 24. Use UiThreadTest instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 


PerformanceTestCase This interface was deprecated in API level 24. Use AndroidJUnitRunner instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
PerformanceTestCase.Intermediates Callbacks for PerformanceTestCase
TestSuiteProvider This interface was deprecated in API level 24. Use AndroidJUnitRunner instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 


ActivityInstrumentationTestCase<T extends Activity> This class was deprecated in API level 3. new tests should be written using ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2, which provides more options for configuring the Activity under test 
ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2<T extends Activity> This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use ActivityTestRule instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
ActivityTestCase This class was deprecated in API level 24. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
ActivityUnitTestCase<T extends Activity> This class was deprecated in API level 24. Write Local Unit Tests instead. 
AndroidTestCase This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use InstrumentationRegistry instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
AndroidTestRunner This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use AndroidJUnitRunner instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
ApplicationTestCase<T extends Application> This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use InstrumentationRegistry instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
InstrumentationTestCase This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use InstrumentationRegistry instead. New tests should be written using the AndroidX Test Library. 
InstrumentationTestRunner This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use AndroidJUnitRunner instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
InstrumentationTestSuite This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use InstrumentationRegistry instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
IsolatedContext This class was deprecated in API level 24. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
LaunchPerformanceBase Base class for all launch performance Instrumentation classes. 
LoaderTestCase A convenience class for testing Loaders. 
MoreAsserts This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use Hamcrest matchers instead. 
ProviderTestCase<T extends ContentProvider> This class was deprecated in API level 5. this class extends InstrumentationTestCase but should extend AndroidTestCase. Use ProviderTestCase2, which corrects this problem, instead. 
ProviderTestCase2<T extends ContentProvider> This test case class provides a framework for testing a single ContentProvider and for testing your app code with an isolated content provider. 
RenamingDelegatingContext This class was deprecated in API level 24. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
ServiceTestCase<T extends Service> This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use ServiceTestRule instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
SingleLaunchActivityTestCase<T extends Activity> This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use ActivityTestRule instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
SyncBaseInstrumentation This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use InstrumentationRegistry instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
TouchUtils This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use Espresso UI testing framework instead. New tests should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. 
ViewAsserts This class was deprecated in API level 24. Use Espresso View Matchers instead. New test should be written using the Android Testing Support Library. For more information about UI testing, take the Espresso UI testing training. 


AssertionFailedError This class was deprecated in API level 16. use junit.framework.AssertionFailedError 
ComparisonFailure This class was deprecated in API level 16. use org.junit.ComparisonFailure