AbstractCursor |
This is an abstract cursor class that handles a lot of the common code
that all cursors need to deal with and is provided for convenience reasons.
AbstractExecutorService |
Provides default implementations of ExecutorService
execution methods.
AbstractInterruptibleChannel |
Base implementation class for interruptible channels.
AbstractSelectableChannel |
Base implementation class for selectable channels.
AbstractSelector |
Base implementation class for selectors.
AbstractWindowedCursor |
A base class for Cursors that store their data in CursorWindow s.
AppSearchSession |
Provides a connection to a single AppSearch database.
AssetFileDescriptor |
File descriptor of an entry in the AssetManager.
AssetFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream |
An InputStream you can create on a ParcelFileDescriptor, which will
take care of calling ParcelFileDescriptor.close() for you when the stream is closed.
AssetFileDescriptor.AutoCloseOutputStream |
An OutputStream you can create on a ParcelFileDescriptor, which will
take care of calling ParcelFileDescriptor.close() for you when the stream is closed.
AssetManager |
Provides access to an application's raw asset files; see Resources
for the way most applications will want to retrieve their resource data.
AssetManager.AssetInputStream |
AsynchronousByteChannel |
An asynchronous channel that can read and write bytes.
AsynchronousChannel |
A channel that supports asynchronous I/O operations.
AsynchronousFileChannel |
An asynchronous channel for reading, writing, and manipulating a file.
AsynchronousServerSocketChannel |
An asynchronous channel for stream-oriented listening sockets.
AsynchronousSocketChannel |
An asynchronous channel for stream-oriented connecting sockets.
BackupDataInputStream |
Provides an InputStream -like interface for accessing an
entity's data during a restore operation.
Base64InputStream |
An InputStream that does Base64 decoding on the data read through
Base64OutputStream |
An OutputStream that does Base64 encoding on the data written to
it, writing the resulting data to another OutputStream.
BaseStream<T, S extends BaseStream<T, S>> |
Base interface for streams, which are sequences of elements supporting
sequential and parallel aggregate operations.
BlobStoreManager.Session |
Represents an ongoing session of a blob's contribution to the blob store managed by the
BluetoothCsipSetCoordinator |
This class provides the public APIs to control the Bluetooth CSIP set coordinator.
BluetoothLeAudio |
This class provides the public APIs to control the LeAudio profile.
BluetoothServerSocket |
A listening Bluetooth socket.
BluetoothSocket |
A connected or connecting Bluetooth socket.
BufferedInputStream |
A BufferedInputStream adds
functionality to another input stream-namely,
the ability to buffer the input and to
support the mark and reset
BufferedOutputStream |
The class implements a buffered output stream.
BufferedReader |
Reads text from a character-input stream, buffering characters so as to
provide for the efficient reading of characters, arrays, and lines.
BufferedWriter |
Writes text to a character-output stream, buffering characters so as to
provide for the efficient writing of single characters, arrays, and strings.
BundleSession |
An instances of this class represents a session with data stored in a bundle.
ByteArrayInputStream |
A ByteArrayInputStream contains
an internal buffer that contains bytes that
may be read from the stream.
ByteArrayOutputStream |
This class implements an output stream in which the data is
written into a byte array.
ByteChannel |
A channel that can read and write bytes.
CallableStatement |
The interface used to execute SQL stored procedures.
CameraCaptureSession |
A configured capture session for a CameraDevice , used for capturing images from the
camera or reprocessing images captured from the camera in the same session previously.
CameraConstrainedHighSpeedCaptureSession |
A constrained high speed capture session for a CameraDevice , used for capturing high
speed images from the CameraDevice for high speed video recording use case.
CameraDevice |
The CameraDevice class is a representation of a single camera connected to an
Android device, allowing for fine-grain control of image capture and
post-processing at high frame rates.
CameraExtensionSession |
A camera capture session that enables access to device-specific camera extensions, which
often use multi-frame bursts and sophisticated post-process algorithms for image capture.
CameraOfflineSession |
A camera capture session that was switched to offline mode via successful call to
CameraCaptureSession.switchToOffline .
Channel |
Instances of this class represent an ISO/IEC 7816-4 channel opened to a
Secure Element.
CharArrayReader |
This class implements a character buffer that can be used as a
character-input stream.
CharArrayWriter |
This class implements a character buffer that can be used as an Writer.
CheckedInputStream |
An input stream that also maintains a checksum of the data being read.
CheckedOutputStream |
An output stream that also maintains a checksum of the data being
CipherInputStream |
A CipherInputStream is composed of an InputStream and a Cipher so
that read() methods return data that are read in from the
underlying InputStream but have been additionally processed by the
CipherOutputStream |
A CipherOutputStream is composed of an OutputStream and a Cipher so
that write() methods first process the data before writing them out
to the underlying OutputStream.
Closeable |
A Closeable is a source or destination of data that can be closed.
Connection |
A connection (session) with a specific
ContentCaptureSession |
Session used when notifying the Android system about events associated with views.
ContentProviderClient |
The public interface object used to interact with a specific
ContentProvider .
CrossProcessCursor |
A cross process cursor is an extension of a Cursor that also supports
usage from remote processes.
CrossProcessCursorWrapper |
Cursor wrapper that implements CrossProcessCursor .
Cursor |
This interface provides random read-write access to the result set returned
by a database query.
CursorWindow |
A buffer containing multiple cursor rows.
CursorWrapper |
Wrapper class for Cursor that delegates all calls to the actual cursor object.
DataInputStream |
A data input stream lets an application read primitive Java data
types from an underlying input stream in a machine-independent
DataOutputStream |
A data output stream lets an application write primitive Java data
types to an output stream in a portable way.
DatagramChannel |
A selectable channel for datagram-oriented sockets.
DatagramSocket |
This class represents a socket for sending and receiving datagram packets.
DeflaterInputStream |
Implements an input stream filter for compressing data in the "deflate"
compression format.
DeflaterOutputStream |
This class implements an output stream filter for compressing data in
the "deflate" compression format.
DigestInputStream |
A transparent stream that updates the associated message digest using
the bits going through the stream.
DigestOutputStream |
A transparent stream that updates the associated message digest using
the bits going through the stream.
DirectoryStream<T> |
An object to iterate over the entries in a directory.
DiscoverySession |
A class representing a single publish or subscribe Aware session.
DngCreator |
The DngCreator class provides functions to write raw pixel data as a DNG file.
DoubleStream |
A sequence of primitive double-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel
aggregate operations.
DrmManagerClient |
This class was deprecated
in API level 30.
Please use MediaDrm
DropBoxManager.Entry |
A single entry retrieved from the drop box.
EditingSession |
Represents a session of media editing, for example, transcoding between formats, transmuxing or
applying trimming or audio/video effects to a stream.
ExecutorService |
An Executor that provides methods to manage termination and
methods that can produce a Future for tracking progress of
one or more asynchronous tasks.
FileChannel |
A channel for reading, writing, mapping, and manipulating a file.
FileInputStream |
A FileInputStream obtains input bytes
from a file in a file system.
FileLock |
A token representing a lock on a region of a file.
FileOutputStream |
A file output stream is an output stream for writing data to a
File or to a FileDescriptor .
FileReader |
Reads text from character files using a default buffer size.
FileSystem |
Provides an interface to a file system and is the factory for objects to
access files and other objects in the file system.
FileWriter |
Writes text to character files using a default buffer size.
FilterInputStream |
A FilterInputStream contains
some other input stream, which it uses as
its basic source of data, possibly transforming
the data along the way or providing additional
FilterOutputStream |
This class is the superclass of all classes that filter output
FilterReader |
Abstract class for reading filtered character streams.
FilterWriter |
Abstract class for writing filtered character streams.
ForkJoinPool |
An ExecutorService for running ForkJoinTask s.
Formatter |
An interpreter for printf-style format strings.
GZIPInputStream |
This class implements a stream filter for reading compressed data in
the GZIP file format.
GZIPOutputStream |
This class implements a stream filter for writing compressed data in
the GZIP file format.
GatheringByteChannel |
A channel that can write bytes from a sequence of buffers.
GlobalSearchSession |
Provides a connection to all AppSearch databases the querying application has been granted access
GroupCall |
Class used to represent a single MBMS group call.
HapticGenerator |
Haptic Generator(HG).
HardwareBuffer |
HardwareBuffer wraps a native AHardwareBuffer object, which is a low-level object
representing a memory buffer accessible by various hardware units.
HardwareBufferRenderer |
Creates an instance of a hardware-accelerated renderer.
HttpResponseCache |
Caches HTTP and HTTPS responses to the filesystem so they may be reused,
saving time and bandwidth.
IkeSession |
This class represents an IKE Session management object that allows for keying and management of
IpSecTransform s.
Image |
A single complete image buffer to use with a media source such as a
MediaCodec or a
CameraDevice .
ImageDecoder |
A class for converting encoded images (like PNG , JPEG ,
WEBP , GIF , or HEIF ) into Drawable or
Bitmap objects.
ImageReader |
The ImageReader class allows direct application access to image data
rendered into a Surface
Several Android media API classes accept Surface objects as targets to
render to, including MediaPlayer , MediaCodec ,
CameraDevice , ImageWriter and
RenderScript Allocations .
ImageWriter |
The ImageWriter class allows an application to produce Image data into a
Surface , and have it be consumed by another component
like CameraDevice .
InflaterInputStream |
This class implements a stream filter for uncompressing data in the
"deflate" compression format.
InflaterOutputStream |
Implements an output stream filter for uncompressing data stored in the
"deflate" compression format.
InputStream |
This abstract class is the superclass of all classes representing
an input stream of bytes.
InputStreamReader |
An InputStreamReader is a bridge from byte streams to character streams: It
reads bytes and decodes them into characters using a specified charset .
IntStream |
A sequence of primitive int-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel
aggregate operations.
InterruptibleChannel |
A channel that can be asynchronously closed and interrupted.
IpSecManager.SecurityParameterIndex |
This class represents a reserved SPI.
IpSecManager.UdpEncapsulationSocket |
This class provides access to a UDP encapsulation Socket.
IpSecTransform |
This class represents a transform, which roughly corresponds to an IPsec Security Association.
IsoDep |
Provides access to ISO-DEP (ISO 14443-4) properties and I/O operations on a Tag .
JarFile |
The JarFile class is used to read the contents of a jar file
from any file that can be opened with java.io.RandomAccessFile .
JarInputStream |
The JarInputStream class is used to read the contents of
a JAR file from any input stream.
JarOutputStream |
The JarOutputStream class is used to write the contents
of a JAR file to any output stream.
JsonReader |
Reads a JSON (RFC 4627)
encoded value as a stream of tokens.
JsonWriter |
Writes a JSON (RFC 4627)
encoded value to a stream, one token at a time.
LightsManager.LightsSession |
Encapsulates a session that can be used to control device lights and represents the lifetime
of the requests.
LineNumberInputStream |
This class was deprecated
in API level 1.
This class incorrectly assumes that bytes adequately represent
characters. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to operate on
character streams is via the new character-stream classes, which
include a class for counting line numbers.
LineNumberReader |
A buffered character-input stream that keeps track of line numbers.
LocalServerSocket |
Non-standard class for creating an inbound UNIX-domain socket
in the Linux abstract namespace.
LocalSocket |
Creates a (non-server) socket in the UNIX-domain namespace.
LongStream |
A sequence of primitive long-valued elements supporting sequential and parallel
aggregate operations.
LoudnessCodecController |
Class for getting recommended loudness parameter updates for audio decoders as they are used
to play back media content according to the encoded format and current audio routing.
MatrixCursor |
A mutable cursor implementation backed by an array of Object s.
MbmsDownloadSession |
This class provides functionality for file download over MBMS.
MbmsGroupCallSession |
This class provides functionality for accessing group call functionality over MBMS.
MbmsStreamingSession |
This class provides functionality for streaming media over MBMS.
MediaCas |
MediaCas can be used to obtain keys for descrambling protected media streams, in
conjunction with MediaDescrambler .
MediaCas.Session |
Class for an open session with the CA system.
MediaController2 |
This API is not generally intended for third party application developers.
MediaDataSource |
For supplying media data to the framework.
MediaDescrambler |
MediaDescrambler class can be used in conjunction with MediaCodec
and MediaExtractor to decode media data scrambled by conditional
access (CA) systems such as those in the ISO/IEC13818-1.
MediaDrm |
MediaDrm can be used to obtain keys for decrypting protected media streams, in
conjunction with MediaCrypto .
MediaMetadataRetriever |
MediaMetadataRetriever class provides a unified interface for retrieving
frame and meta data from an input media file.
MediaSession2 |
This API is not generally intended for third party application developers.
MergeCursor |
A convenience class that lets you present an array of Cursors as a single linear Cursor.
MidiDevice |
This class is used for sending and receiving data to and from a MIDI device
Instances of this class are created by MidiManager.openDevice .
MidiDevice.MidiConnection |
This class represents a connection between the output port of one device
and the input port of another.
MidiInputPort |
This class is used for sending data to a port on a MIDI device
MidiOutputPort |
This class is used for receiving data from a port on a MIDI device
MifareClassic |
Provides access to MIFARE Classic properties and I/O operations on a Tag .
MifareUltralight |
Provides access to MIFARE Ultralight properties and I/O operations on a Tag .
MockCursor |
This class was deprecated
in API level 24.
Use a mocking framework like Mockito.
New tests should be written using the
Android Testing Support Library.
MultiResolutionImageReader |
The MultiResolutionImageReader class wraps a group of ImageReaders with
the same format and different sizes, source camera Id, or camera sensor modes.
MulticastChannel |
A network channel that supports Internet Protocol (IP) multicasting.
MulticastSocket |
The multicast datagram socket class is useful for sending
and receiving IP multicast packets.
Ndef |
Provides access to NDEF content and operations on a Tag .
NdefFormatable |
Provide access to NDEF format operations on a Tag .
NetworkChannel |
A channel to a network socket.
NetworkStats |
Class providing enumeration over buckets of network usage statistics.
NfcA |
Provides access to NFC-A (ISO 14443-3A) properties and I/O operations on a Tag .
NfcB |
Provides access to NFC-B (ISO 14443-3B) properties and I/O operations on a Tag .
NfcBarcode |
Provides access to tags containing just a barcode.
NfcF |
Provides access to NFC-F (JIS 6319-4) properties and I/O operations on a Tag .
NfcV |
Provides access to NFC-V (ISO 15693) properties and I/O operations on a Tag .
ObjectInput |
ObjectInput extends the DataInput interface to include the reading of
ObjectInputStream |
An ObjectInputStream deserializes primitive data and objects previously
written using an ObjectOutputStream.
ObjectOutput |
ObjectOutput extends the DataOutput interface to include writing of objects.
ObjectOutputStream |
An ObjectOutputStream writes primitive data types and graphs of Java objects
to an OutputStream.
OpenBlobForReadResponse |
The response to provide batch operation results of AppSearchSession.openBlobForRead .
OpenBlobForWriteResponse |
The response to provide batch operation results of AppSearchSession.openBlobForWrite .
OutputStream |
This abstract class is the superclass of all classes representing
an output stream of bytes.
OutputStreamWriter |
An OutputStreamWriter is a bridge from character streams to byte streams:
Characters written to it are encoded into bytes using a specified charset .
PackageInstaller.Session |
An installation that is being actively staged.
ParcelFileDescriptor |
The FileDescriptor returned by Parcel.readFileDescriptor , allowing
you to close it when done with it.
ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseInputStream |
An InputStream you can create on a ParcelFileDescriptor, which will
take care of calling ParcelFileDescriptor.close() for you when the stream is closed.
ParcelFileDescriptor.AutoCloseOutputStream |
An OutputStream you can create on a ParcelFileDescriptor, which will
take care of calling ParcelFileDescriptor.close() for you when the stream is closed.
PdfRenderer |
This class enables rendering a PDF document and selecting, searching, fast scrolling,
annotations, etc.
PdfRenderer.Page |
This class represents a PDF document page for rendering.
PdfRendererPreV |
This class enables rendering a PDF document and selecting, searching, fast scrolling,
annotations, etc from Android R till Android U.
PdfRendererPreV.Page |
This class represents a PDF document page for rendering.
PerformanceHintManager.Session |
A Session represents a group of threads with an inter-related workload such that hints for
their performance should be considered as a unit.
Pipe.SinkChannel |
A channel representing the writable end of a Pipe .
Pipe.SourceChannel |
A channel representing the readable end of a Pipe .
PipedInputStream |
A piped input stream should be connected
to a piped output stream; the piped input
stream then provides whatever data bytes
are written to the piped output stream.
PipedOutputStream |
A piped output stream can be connected to a piped input stream
to create a communications pipe.
PipedReader |
Piped character-input streams.
PipedWriter |
Piped character-output streams.
PlaybackSession |
An instance of this class represents a session of media playback used to report playback
metrics and events.
PreparedStatement |
An object that represents a precompiled SQL statement.
PrintStream |
A PrintStream adds functionality to another output stream,
namely the ability to print representations of various data values
PrintWriter |
Prints formatted representations of objects to a text-output stream.
PublishDiscoverySession |
A class representing a Aware publish session.
PushbackInputStream |
A PushbackInputStream adds
functionality to another input stream, namely
the ability to "push back" or "unread" bytes,
by storing pushed-back bytes in an internal buffer.
PushbackReader |
A character-stream reader that allows characters to be pushed back into the
RandomAccessFile |
Instances of this class support both reading and writing to a
random access file.
RangingSession |
Represents a session for performing ranging operations.
ReadableByteChannel |
A channel that can read bytes.
Reader |
Abstract class for reading character streams.
RecordingSession |
An instances of this class represents a session of media recording.
ResourcesProvider |
Provides methods to load resources data from APKs (.apk ) and resources tables
ResultSet |
A table of data representing a database result set, which
is usually generated by executing a statement that queries the database.
RowSet |
The interface that adds support to the JDBC API for the
JavaBeansTM component model.
SQLiteClosable |
An object created from a SQLiteDatabase that can be closed.
SQLiteCursor |
A Cursor implementation that exposes results from a query on a
SQLiteDatabase .
SQLiteDatabase |
Exposes methods to manage a SQLite database.
SQLiteOpenHelper |
A helper class to manage database creation and version management.
SQLiteProgram |
A base class for compiled SQLite programs.
SQLiteQuery |
Represents a query that reads the resulting rows into a SQLiteQuery .
SQLiteRawStatement |
A SQLiteRawStatement represents a SQLite prepared statement.
SQLiteStatement |
Represents a statement that can be executed against a database.
SSLServerSocket |
This class extends ServerSocket s and
provides secure server sockets using protocols such as the Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols.
SSLSocket |
This class extends Socket s and provides secure
socket using protocols such as the "Secure
Sockets Layer" (SSL) or IETF "Transport Layer Security" (TLS) protocols.
Scanner |
A simple text scanner which can parse primitive types and strings using
regular expressions.
ScatteringByteChannel |
A channel that can read bytes into a sequence of buffers.
ScheduledExecutorService |
An ExecutorService that can schedule commands to run after a given
delay, or to execute periodically.
ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor |
A ThreadPoolExecutor that can additionally schedule
commands to run after a given delay, or to execute periodically.
SearchResults |
Encapsulates results of a search operation.
SecureDirectoryStream<T> |
A DirectoryStream that defines operations on files that are located
relative to an open directory.
SeekableByteChannel |
A byte channel that maintains a current position and allows the
position to be changed.
SelectableChannel |
A channel that can be multiplexed via a Selector .
Selector |
A multiplexor of SelectableChannel objects.
SensorDirectChannel |
Class representing a sensor direct channel.
SequenceInputStream |
A SequenceInputStream represents
the logical concatenation of other input
ServerSocket |
This class implements server sockets.
ServerSocketChannel |
A selectable channel for stream-oriented listening sockets.
SettingsPreferenceServiceClient |
Client class responsible for binding to and interacting with an instance of
SettingsPreferenceService .
SharedMemory |
SharedMemory enables the creation, mapping, and protection control over anonymous shared memory.
Socket |
This class implements client sockets (also called just
SocketChannel |
A selectable channel for stream-oriented connecting sockets.
SocketKeepalive |
Allows applications to request that the system periodically send specific packets on their
behalf, using hardware offload to save battery power.
Statement |
The object used for executing a static SQL statement
and returning the results it produces.
Stream<T> |
A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate
StreamingService |
Class used to represent a single MBMS stream.
StringBufferInputStream |
This class was deprecated
in API level 1.
This class does not properly convert characters into bytes. As
of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to create a stream from a
string is via the StringReader class.
StringReader |
A character stream whose source is a string.
StringWriter |
A character stream that collects its output in a string buffer, which can
then be used to construct a string.
SubmissionPublisher<T> |
A Flow.Publisher that asynchronously issues submitted
(non-null) items to current subscribers until it is closed.
SubscribeDiscoverySession |
A class representing a Aware subscribe session.
SurfaceControl.Transaction |
An atomic set of changes to a set of SurfaceControl.
SyncFence |
A SyncFence represents a synchronization primitive which signals when hardware units have
completed work on a particular resource.
TagTechnology |
TagTechnology is an interface to a technology in a Tag .
ThreadPoolExecutor |
An ExecutorService that executes each submitted task using
one of possibly several pooled threads, normally configured
using Executors factory methods.
TranscodingSession |
An instances of this class represents a session of media Transcoding.
TransportHandle |
TransportHandle is used as the Out-Of-Band (OOB) transport mechanism by ranging module.
TypedArray |
Container for an array of values that were retrieved with
Resources.Theme.obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet, int[], int, int)
or Resources.obtainAttributes .
URLClassLoader |
This class loader is used to load classes and resources from a search
path of URLs referring to both JAR files and directories.
UploadDataProvider |
Abstract class allowing the embedder to provide an upload body to UrlRequest .
VolumeShaper |
The VolumeShaper class is used to automatically control audio volume during media
playback, allowing simple implementation of transition effects and ducking.
WatchService |
A watch service that watches registered objects for changes and
WifiAwareSession |
This class represents a Wi-Fi Aware session - an attachment to the Wi-Fi Aware service through
which the app can execute discovery operations.
WifiManager.LocalOnlyHotspotReservation |
LocalOnlyHotspotReservation that contains the SoftApConfiguration for the active
LocalOnlyHotspot request.
WifiP2pManager.Channel |
A channel that connects the application to the Wifi p2p framework.
WritableByteChannel |
A channel that can write bytes.
Writer |
Abstract class for writing to character streams.
XmlResourceParser |
The XML parsing interface returned for an XML resource.
ZipFile |
This class is used to read entries from a zip file.
ZipInputStream |
This class implements an input stream filter for reading files in the
ZIP file format.
ZipOutputStream |
This class implements an output stream filter for writing files in the
ZIP file format.