Provides APIs for monitoring the basic phone information, such as
the network type and connection state, plus utilities
for manipulating phone number strings.
AccessNetworkConstants |
Contains access network related constants.
AccessNetworkConstants.AccessNetworkType |
AccessNetworkConstants.EutranBand |
Frequency bands for EUTRAN.
AccessNetworkConstants.GeranBand |
Frequency bands for GERAN.
AccessNetworkConstants.NgranBands |
Frequency bands for NGRAN
AccessNetworkConstants.UtranBand |
Frequency bands for UTRAN.
AvailableNetworkInfo |
Defines available network information which includes corresponding subscription id,
network plmns and corresponding priority to be used for network selection by Opportunistic
Network Service when passed through TelephonyManager.updateAvailableNetworks
AvailableNetworkInfo.Builder |
Provides a convenient way to set the fields of a AvailableNetworkInfo when
creating a new instance.
BarringInfo |
Provides the barring configuration for a particular service type.
BarringInfo.BarringServiceInfo |
Describe the current barring configuration of a cell
CarrierConfigManager |
Provides access to telephony configuration values that are carrier-specific.
CarrierConfigManager.Apn |
Configs used for APN setup.
CarrierConfigManager.Bsf |
This groups the BSF (BootStrapping Function) related configs.
CarrierConfigManager.Gps |
GPS configs.
CarrierConfigManager.Ims |
Configs used by the IMS stack.
CarrierConfigManager.ImsEmergency |
Emergency Call/E911.
CarrierConfigManager.ImsRtt |
IMS RTT configs.
CarrierConfigManager.ImsServiceEntitlement |
Configs used by ImsServiceEntitlement.
CarrierConfigManager.ImsSms |
IMS SMS configs.
CarrierConfigManager.ImsSs |
IMS supplementary services configs.
CarrierConfigManager.ImsVoice |
IMS Voice configs.
CarrierConfigManager.ImsVt |
IMS Video Telephony configs.
CarrierConfigManager.ImsWfc |
WiFi Calling.
CarrierConfigManager.Iwlan |
Configs used for epdg tunnel bring up.
CellIdentity |
CellIdentity represents the identity of a unique cell.
CellIdentityCdma |
This class was deprecated
in API level 36.
Legacy CDMA is unsupported.
CellIdentityGsm |
CellIdentity to represent a unique GSM cell
CellIdentityLte |
CellIdentity is to represent a unique LTE cell
CellIdentityNr |
Information to represent a unique NR(New Radio 5G) cell.
CellIdentityTdscdma |
CellIdentity is to represent a unique TD-SCDMA cell
CellIdentityWcdma |
CellIdentity to represent a unique UMTS cell
CellInfo |
Immutable cell information from a point in time.
CellInfoCdma |
This class was deprecated
in API level 36.
Legacy CDMA is unsupported.
CellInfoGsm |
A CellInfo representing a GSM cell that provides identity and measurement info.
CellInfoLte |
A CellInfo representing an LTE cell that provides identity and measurement info.
CellInfoNr |
A CellInfo representing an 5G NR cell that provides identity and measurement info.
CellInfoTdscdma |
A CellInfo representing a TD-SCDMA cell that provides identity and measurement info.
CellInfoWcdma |
A CellInfo representing a WCDMA cell that provides identity and measurement info.
CellLocation |
This class was deprecated
in API level 31.
use CellIdentity .
CellSignalStrength |
Abstract base class for cell phone signal strength related information.
CellSignalStrengthCdma |
Signal strength related information.
CellSignalStrengthGsm |
GSM signal strength related information.
CellSignalStrengthLte |
LTE signal strength related information.
CellSignalStrengthNr |
5G NR signal strength related information.
CellSignalStrengthTdscdma |
Tdscdma signal strength related information.
CellSignalStrengthWcdma |
Wcdma signal strength related information.
ClosedSubscriberGroupInfo |
Information to represent a closed subscriber group.
DataFailCause |
DataFailCause collects data connection failure causes code from different sources.
DisconnectCause |
Describes the cause of a disconnected call.
IccOpenLogicalChannelResponse |
Response to the TelephonyManager.iccOpenLogicalChannel command.
MbmsDownloadSession |
This class provides functionality for file download over MBMS.
MbmsGroupCallSession |
This class provides functionality for accessing group call functionality over MBMS.
MbmsStreamingSession |
This class provides functionality for streaming media over MBMS.
NeighboringCellInfo |
This class was deprecated
in API level 29.
This class should not be used by any app targeting
Android Q or higher. Instead callers should use
CellInfo .
NetworkRegistrationInfo |
Description of a mobile network registration info
NetworkScan |
The caller of
TelephonyManager.requestNetworkScan(NetworkScanRequest, Executor, NetworkScanCallback)
will receive an instance of NetworkScan , which contains a callback method
stopScan() for stopping the in-progress scan.
NetworkScanRequest |
Defines a request to perform a network scan.
PhoneNumberFormattingTextWatcher |
This class was deprecated
in API level 35.
This is a thin wrapper on a `libphonenumber` `AsYouTypeFormatter`; it is recommended
to use that instead.
PhoneNumberUtils |
Various utilities for dealing with phone number strings.
PhoneStateListener |
This class was deprecated
in API level 31.
Use TelephonyCallback instead.
PhysicalChannelConfig |
PreciseDataConnectionState |
Contains precise data connection state.
RadioAccessSpecifier |
Describes a particular radio access network to be scanned.
ServiceState |
Contains phone state and service related information.
SignalStrength |
Contains phone signal strength related information.
SignalStrengthUpdateRequest |
Request used to register SignalThresholdInfo to be notified when the signal strength
breach the specified thresholds.
SignalStrengthUpdateRequest.Builder |
Builder class to create SignalStrengthUpdateRequest object.
SignalThresholdInfo |
Defines the threshold value of the signal strength.
SignalThresholdInfo.Builder |
Builder class to create SignalThresholdInfo objects.
SmsManager |
Manages SMS operations such as sending data, text, and pdu SMS messages.
SmsManager.FinancialSmsCallback |
callback for providing asynchronous sms messages for financial app.
SmsMessage |
A Short Message Service message.
SmsMessage.SubmitPdu |
SubscriptionInfo |
A Parcelable class for Subscription Information.
SubscriptionManager |
Subscription manager provides the mobile subscription information.
SubscriptionManager.OnOpportunisticSubscriptionsChangedListener |
A listener class for monitoring changes to SubscriptionInfo records of opportunistic
SubscriptionManager.OnSubscriptionsChangedListener |
A listener class for monitoring changes to SubscriptionInfo records.
SubscriptionPlan |
Description of a billing relationship plan between a carrier and a specific
SubscriptionPlan.Builder |
Builder for a SubscriptionPlan .
TelephonyCallback |
A callback class for monitoring changes in specific telephony states
on the device, including service state, signal strength, message
waiting indicator (voicemail), and others.
TelephonyDisplayInfo |
TelephonyDisplayInfo contains telephony-related information used for display purposes only.
TelephonyManager |
Provides access to information about the telephony services on
the device.
TelephonyManager.CellInfoCallback |
Callback for providing asynchronous CellInfo on request
TelephonyManager.UssdResponseCallback |
Used to notify callers of
TelephonyManager.sendUssdRequest(String, UssdResponseCallback, Handler) when the
network either successfully executes a USSD request, or if there was a failure while
executing the request.
TelephonyScanManager |
Manages the radio access network scan requests and callbacks.
TelephonyScanManager.NetworkScanCallback |
The caller of
TelephonyManager.requestNetworkScan(android.telephony.NetworkScanRequest, java.util.concurrent.Executor, android.telephony.TelephonyScanManager.NetworkScanCallback)
should implement and provide this callback so that the scan results or errors can be
UiccCardInfo |
The UiccCardInfo represents information about a currently inserted UICC or embedded eUICC.
UiccPortInfo |
UiccPortInfo class represents information about a single port contained on UiccCardInfo .
VisualVoicemailService |
This service is implemented by dialer apps that wishes to handle OMTP or similar visual
VisualVoicemailService.VisualVoicemailTask |
Represents a visual voicemail event which needs to be handled.
VisualVoicemailSms |
Represents the content of a visual voicemail SMS.
VisualVoicemailSmsFilterSettings |
Class to represent various settings for the visual voicemail SMS filter.
VisualVoicemailSmsFilterSettings.Builder |
Builder class for VisualVoicemailSmsFilterSettings objects.