Added in API level 34


ActiveCaloriesBurnedRecord Captures the estimated active energy burned by the user (in kilocalories), excluding basal metabolic rate (BMR). 
ActiveCaloriesBurnedRecord.Builder Builder class for ActiveCaloriesBurnedRecord 
ActivityIntensityRecord Represents intensity of an activity. 
ActivityIntensityRecord.Builder Builder class for ActivityIntensityRecord 
AggregationType<T> Class to represent aggregation types in Record classes. 
AppInfo Application Info class containing details about a given application 
BasalBodyTemperatureRecord Captures the body temperature of a user when at rest (for example, immediately after waking up). 
BasalBodyTemperatureRecord.Builder Builder class for BasalBodyTemperatureRecord 
BasalMetabolicRateRecord Captures the BMR of a user. 
BasalMetabolicRateRecord.Builder Builder class for BasalMetabolicRateRecord 
BloodGlucoseRecord Captures the concentration of glucose in the blood. 
BloodGlucoseRecord.Builder Builder class for BloodGlucoseRecord 
BloodGlucoseRecord.RelationToMealType Relationship of the meal to the blood glucose measurement. 
BloodGlucoseRecord.SpecimenSource Type of body fluid used to measure the blood glucose. 
BloodPressureRecord Captures the blood pressure of a user. 
BloodPressureRecord.BloodPressureMeasurementLocation Identifier for Blood Pressure Measurement Location 
BloodPressureRecord.BodyPosition Identifier for body position 
BloodPressureRecord.Builder Builder class for BloodPressureRecord 
BodyFatRecord Captures the body fat percentage of a user. 
BodyFatRecord.Builder Builder class for BodyFatRecord 
BodyTemperatureMeasurementLocation Where on the user's body a temperature measurement was taken from. 
BodyTemperatureRecord Captures the body temperature of a user. 
BodyTemperatureRecord.Builder Builder class for BodyTemperatureRecord 
BodyWaterMassRecord Captures the user's body water mass. 
BodyWaterMassRecord.Builder Builder class for BodyWaterMassRecord 
BoneMassRecord Captures the user's bone mass. 
BoneMassRecord.Builder Builder class for BoneMassRecord 
CervicalMucusRecord Captures the description of cervical mucus. 
CervicalMucusRecord.Builder Builder class for CervicalMucusRecord 
CervicalMucusRecord.CervicalMucusAppearance Identifier for Cervical Mucus Appearance 
CervicalMucusRecord.CervicalMucusSensation Identifier for Cervical Mucus Sensation 
CyclingPedalingCadenceRecord Captures the user's cycling pedaling cadence. 
CyclingPedalingCadenceRecord.Builder Builder class for CyclingPedalingCadenceRecord 
CyclingPedalingCadenceRecord.CyclingPedalingCadenceRecordSample Represents a single measurement of the cycling pedaling cadence. 
DataOrigin Specifies the contributing source/application of any Record 
Device A physical device (such as phone, watch, scale, or chest strap) which captured associated health data point. 
DistanceRecord Captures distance travelled by the user since the last reading. 
DistanceRecord.Builder Builder class for DistanceRecord 
ElevationGainedRecord Captures the elevation gained by the user since the last reading. 
ElevationGainedRecord.Builder Builder class for ElevationGainedRecord 
ExerciseCompletionGoal A goal which should be met to complete a PlannedExerciseStep
ExerciseCompletionGoal.ActiveCaloriesBurnedGoal An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires a specified number of active calories to be burned. 
ExerciseCompletionGoal.DistanceGoal An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires covering a specified distance. 
ExerciseCompletionGoal.DistanceWithVariableRestGoal An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires covering a specified distance. 
ExerciseCompletionGoal.DurationGoal An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires a specified duration to elapse. 
ExerciseCompletionGoal.RepetitionsGoal An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires a specified number of repetitions to be completed. 
ExerciseCompletionGoal.StepsGoal An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires completing a specified number of steps. 
ExerciseCompletionGoal.TotalCaloriesBurnedGoal An ExerciseCompletionGoal that requires a specified number of total calories to be burned. 
ExerciseCompletionGoal.UnknownGoal An ExerciseCompletionGoal that is unknown. 
ExerciseCompletionGoal.UnspecifiedGoal An ExerciseCompletionGoal that has no specific target metric. 
ExerciseLap Captures the time of a lap within exercise session. 
ExerciseLap.Builder Builder class for ExerciseLap 
ExercisePerformanceGoal A goal which should be aimed for during a PlannedExerciseStep
ExercisePerformanceGoal.AmrapGoal An ExercisePerformanceGoal that requires completing as many repetitions as possible. 
ExercisePerformanceGoal.CadenceGoal An ExercisePerformanceGoal that requires a target cadence range to be met during the associated PlannedExerciseStep
ExercisePerformanceGoal.HeartRateGoal An ExercisePerformanceGoal that requires a target heart rate range, in BPM, to be met during the associated PlannedExerciseStep
ExercisePerformanceGoal.PowerGoal An ExercisePerformanceGoal that requires a target power range to be met during the associated PlannedExerciseStep
ExercisePerformanceGoal.RateOfPerceivedExertionGoal An ExercisePerformanceGoal that requires a target RPE (rate of perceived exertion) to be met during the associated PlannedExerciseStep
ExercisePerformanceGoal.SpeedGoal An ExercisePerformanceGoal that requires a target speed range to be met during the associated PlannedExerciseStep
ExercisePerformanceGoal.UnknownGoal An ExercisePerformanceGoal that is unknown. 
ExercisePerformanceGoal.WeightGoal An ExercisePerformanceGoal that requires a target weight to be lifted during the associated PlannedExerciseStep
ExerciseRoute Route of the exercise session. 
ExerciseRoute.Location Point in the time and space. 
ExerciseRoute.Location.Builder Builder class for Location 
ExerciseSegment Represents particular exercise within exercise session (see ExerciseSessionRecord). 
ExerciseSegment.Builder Builder class for ExerciseSegment 
ExerciseSegmentType Identifier for exercise types, as returned by ExerciseSegment.getSegmentType()
ExerciseSessionRecord Captures exercise or a sequence of exercises. 
ExerciseSessionRecord.Builder Builder class for ExerciseSessionRecord 
ExerciseSessionType Identifier for exercise types, as returned by ExerciseSessionRecord.getExerciseType()
FhirResource A class to capture the FHIR resource data. 
FhirResource.Builder Builder class for FhirResource
FhirVersion Represents the FHIR version. 
FloorsClimbedRecord Captures the number of floors climbed by the user between the start and end time. 
FloorsClimbedRecord.Builder Builder class for FloorsClimbedRecord 
HeartRateRecord Captures the user's heart rate. 
HeartRateRecord.Builder Builder class for HeartRateRecord 
HeartRateRecord.HeartRateSample A class to represent heart rate samples 
HeartRateVariabilityRmssdRecord Captures the user's heart rate variability RMSSD. 
HeartRateVariabilityRmssdRecord.Builder Builder class for HeartRateVariabilityRmssdRecord 
HeightRecord Captures the user's height. 
HeightRecord.Builder Builder class for HeightRecord 
HydrationRecord Captures the amount of liquids user had in a single drink. 
HydrationRecord.Builder Builder class for HydrationRecord 
InstantRecord A record that contains a measurement recorded as an instance . 
IntermenstrualBleedingRecord Captures the user's inter-menstrual bleeding. 
IntermenstrualBleedingRecord.Builder Builder class for IntermenstrualBleedingRecord 
IntervalRecord A record that contains a measurement with a time interval. 
LeanBodyMassRecord Captures the user's lean body mass. 
LeanBodyMassRecord.Builder Builder class for LeanBodyMassRecord 
MealType Identifier for the meal type. 
MedicalDataSource Captures the data source information of medical data. 
MedicalDataSource.Builder Builder class for MedicalDataSource
MedicalResource A class to capture the user's medical data. 
MedicalResource.Builder Builder class for MedicalResource
MenstruationFlowRecord Captures a description of how heavy a user's menstrual flow was (spotting, light, medium, or heavy). 
MenstruationFlowRecord.Builder Builder class for MenstruationFlowRecord 
MenstruationFlowRecord.MenstruationFlowType Identifier for Menstruation Flow 
MenstruationPeriodRecord Captures the menstruation period record. 
MenstruationPeriodRecord.Builder Builder class for MenstruationPeriodRecord 
Metadata Set of shared metadata fields for Record 
MindfulnessSessionRecord Captures a mindfulness session. 
MindfulnessSessionRecord.Builder Builder class for MindfulnessSessionRecord 
NutritionRecord Captures what nutrients were consumed as part of a meal or a food item. 
NutritionRecord.Builder Builder class for NutritionRecord 
OvulationTestRecord Each record represents the result of an ovulation test. 
OvulationTestRecord.Builder Builder class for OvulationTestRecord 
OvulationTestRecord.OvulationTestResult Identifier for Ovulation Test Result 
OxygenSaturationRecord Captures the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood, measured as a percentage of oxygen-saturated hemoglobin. 
OxygenSaturationRecord.Builder Builder class for OxygenSaturationRecord 
PlannedExerciseBlock Represents a series of PlannedExerciseStep
PlannedExerciseBlock.Builder Builder of PlannedExerciseBlock
PlannedExerciseSessionRecord Captures a planned exercise session, also commonly referred to as a training plan. 
PlannedExerciseSessionRecord.Builder Builder class for PlannedExerciseSessionRecord
PlannedExerciseStep A single step within an PlannedExerciseBlock e.g. 8x 60kg barbell squats. 
PlannedExerciseStep.Builder Builder of PlannedExerciseStep
PowerRecord Captures the power generated by the user, e.g. during cycling or rowing with a power meter. 
PowerRecord.Builder Builder class for PowerRecord 
PowerRecord.PowerRecordSample Represents a single measurement of power. 
Record A base class for all record classes 
RespiratoryRateRecord Captures the user's respiratory rate. 
RespiratoryRateRecord.Builder Builder class for RespiratoryRateRecord 
RestingHeartRateRecord Captures the user's resting heart rate. 
RestingHeartRateRecord.Builder Builder class for RestingHeartRateRecord 
SexualActivityRecord Captures an occurrence of sexual activity. 
SexualActivityRecord.Builder Builder class for SexualActivityRecord 
SexualActivityRecord.SexualActivityProtectionUsed Identifier for sexual activity protection used 
SkinTemperatureRecord Captures the skin temperature of a user. 
SkinTemperatureRecord.Builder Builder class for SkinTemperatureRecord 
SkinTemperatureRecord.Delta Skin temperature delta entry of SkinTemperatureRecord
SleepSessionRecord Captures the user's sleep length and its stages. 
SleepSessionRecord.Builder Builder class for SleepSessionRecord 
SleepSessionRecord.Stage Captures the user's length and type of sleep. 
SleepSessionRecord.StageType Identifier for sleeping stage, as returned by Stage.getType()
SpeedRecord Captures the user's speed, e.g. during running or cycling. 
SpeedRecord.Builder Builder class for SpeedRecord 
SpeedRecord.SpeedRecordSample Represents a single measurement of the speed, a scalar magnitude. 
StepsCadenceRecord Captures the user's steps cadence. 
StepsCadenceRecord.Builder Builder class for StepsCadenceRecord 
StepsCadenceRecord.StepsCadenceRecordSample Represents a single measurement of the steps cadence. 
StepsRecord Captures the number of steps taken since the last reading. 
StepsRecord.Builder Builder class for StepsRecord 
TotalCaloriesBurnedRecord Total energy burned by the user in Energy, including active & basal energy burned (BMR). 
TotalCaloriesBurnedRecord.Builder Builder class for TotalCaloriesBurnedRecord 
Vo2MaxRecord Capture user's VO2 max score and optionally the measurement method. 
Vo2MaxRecord.Builder Builder class for Vo2MaxRecord 
Vo2MaxRecord.Vo2MaxMeasurementMethod Identifier for V02 max measurement method 
WeightRecord Captures the user's weight. 
WeightRecord.Builder Builder class for WeightRecord 
WheelchairPushesRecord Captures the number of wheelchair pushes done over a time interval. 
WheelchairPushesRecord.Builder Builder class for WheelchairPushesRecord