
public final class AdvancedProtectionManager
extends Object


Advanced Protection is a mode that users can enroll their device into, that enhances security by enabling features and restrictions across both the platform and user apps.

This class provides methods to query and control the advanced protection mode for the device.


Nested classes

interface AdvancedProtectionManager.Callback

A callback class for monitoring changes to Advanced Protection state

To register a callback, implement this interface, and register it with AdvancedProtectionManager.registerAdvancedProtectionCallback(Executor, Callback)

Public methods

boolean isAdvancedProtectionEnabled()

Checks if advanced protection is enabled on the device.

void registerAdvancedProtectionCallback(Executor executor, AdvancedProtectionManager.Callback callback)

Registers a Callback to be notified of changes to the Advanced Protection state.

void unregisterAdvancedProtectionCallback(AdvancedProtectionManager.Callback callback)

Unregister an existing Callback.

Inherited methods

Public methods


Added in API level 36
public boolean isAdvancedProtectionEnabled ()

Checks if advanced protection is enabled on the device.
Requires Manifest.permission.QUERY_ADVANCED_PROTECTION_MODE

boolean true if advanced protection is enabled, false otherwise.


Added in API level 36
public void registerAdvancedProtectionCallback (Executor executor, 
                AdvancedProtectionManager.Callback callback)

Registers a Callback to be notified of changes to the Advanced Protection state.

The provided callback will be called on the specified executor with the updated state. Methods are called when the state changes, as well as once on initial registration.
Requires Manifest.permission.QUERY_ADVANCED_PROTECTION_MODE

executor Executor: The executor of where the callback will execute. This value cannot be null. Callback and listener events are dispatched through this Executor, providing an easy way to control which thread is used. To dispatch events through the main thread of your application, you can use Context.getMainExecutor(). Otherwise, provide an Executor that dispatches to an appropriate thread.

callback AdvancedProtectionManager.Callback: The Callback object to register.. This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 36
public void unregisterAdvancedProtectionCallback (AdvancedProtectionManager.Callback callback)

Unregister an existing Callback.
Requires Manifest.permission.QUERY_ADVANCED_PROTECTION_MODE

callback AdvancedProtectionManager.Callback: The Callback object to unregister. This value cannot be null.