Added in API level 24


public class SystemHealthManager
extends Object


Provides access to data about how various system resources are used by applications.


Public methods

float getCpuHeadroom(CpuHeadroomParams params)

Provides an estimate of available CPU capacity headroom of the device.

Pair<IntegerInteger> getCpuHeadroomCalculationWindowRange()

Gets the range of the calculation window size for CPU headroom.

long getCpuHeadroomMinIntervalMillis()

Gets minimum polling interval for calling getCpuHeadroom(android.os.CpuHeadroomParams) in milliseconds.

float getGpuHeadroom(GpuHeadroomParams params)

Provides an estimate of available GPU capacity headroom of the device.

Pair<IntegerInteger> getGpuHeadroomCalculationWindowRange()

Gets the range of the calculation window size for GPU headroom.

long getGpuHeadroomMinIntervalMillis()

Gets minimum polling interval for calling getGpuHeadroom(android.os.GpuHeadroomParams) in milliseconds.

int getMaxCpuHeadroomTidsSize()

Gets the maximum number of TIDs this device supports for getting CPU headroom.

void getPowerMonitorReadings(List<PowerMonitor> powerMonitors, Executor executor, OutcomeReceiver<PowerMonitorReadingsRuntimeException> onResult)

Asynchronously retrieves the accumulated power consumption reported by the specified power monitors.

void getSupportedPowerMonitors(Executor executor, Consumer<List<PowerMonitor>> onResult)

Asynchronously retrieves a list of supported PowerMonitor's, which include raw ODPM (on-device power rail monitor) rails and modeled energy consumers.

HealthStats takeMyUidSnapshot()

Return a HealthStats object containing a snapshot of system health metrics for the application calling this API.

HealthStats takeUidSnapshot(int uid)

Return a HealthStats object containing a snapshot of system health metrics for the given uid (user-id, which in usually corresponds to application).

HealthStats[] takeUidSnapshots(int[] uids)

Return a HealthStats object containing a snapshot of system health metrics for the given uids (user-id, which in usually corresponds to application).

Inherited methods

Public methods


Added in API level 36
public float getCpuHeadroom (CpuHeadroomParams params)

Provides an estimate of available CPU capacity headroom of the device.

The value can be used by the calling application to determine if the workload was CPU bound and then take action accordingly to ensure that the workload can be completed smoothly. It can also be used with the thermal status and headroom to determine if reducing the CPU bound workload can help reduce the device temperature to avoid thermal throttling.

If the params are valid, each call will perform at least one synchronous binder transaction that can take more than 1ms. So it's not recommended to call or wait for this on critical threads. Some devices may implement this as an on-demand API with lazy initialization, so the caller should expect higher latency when making the first call (especially with non-default params) since app starts or after changing params, as the device may need to change its data collection.

params CpuHeadroomParams: params to customize the CPU headroom calculation, or null to use default.

float a single value headroom or a Float.NaN if it's temporarily unavailable due to server error or not enough user CPU workload. Each valid value ranges from [0, 100], where 0 indicates no more cpu resources can be granted Value is between 0f and 100f inclusive

UnsupportedOperationException if the API is unsupported.
IllegalArgumentException if the params are invalid.
SecurityException if the TIDs of the params don't belong to the same process.
IllegalStateException if the TIDs of the params don't have the same affinity setting.


Added in API level 36
public Pair<IntegerInteger> getCpuHeadroomCalculationWindowRange ()

Gets the range of the calculation window size for CPU headroom.

In API version 36, the range will be a superset of [50, 10000].

See ERROR(CpuHeadroomParams.setCalculationWindowMillis(int)/android.os.CpuHeadroomParams#setCalculationWindowMillis(int) CpuHeadroomParams.setCalculationWindowMillis(int)).

Pair<IntegerInteger> the range of the calculation window size supported in milliseconds. This value cannot be null.

UnsupportedOperationException if the CPU headroom API is unsupported.


Added in API level 36
public long getCpuHeadroomMinIntervalMillis ()

Gets minimum polling interval for calling getCpuHeadroom(android.os.CpuHeadroomParams) in milliseconds.

The getCpuHeadroom(android.os.CpuHeadroomParams) API may return cached result if called more frequent than the interval.


UnsupportedOperationException if the API is unsupported.


Added in API level 36
public float getGpuHeadroom (GpuHeadroomParams params)

Provides an estimate of available GPU capacity headroom of the device.

The value can be used by the calling application to determine if the workload was GPU bound and then take action accordingly to ensure that the workload can be completed smoothly. It can also be used with the thermal status and headroom to determine if reducing the GPU bound workload can help reduce the device temperature to avoid thermal throttling.

If the params are valid, each call will perform at least one synchronous binder transaction that can take more than 1ms. So it's not recommended to call or wait for this on critical threads. Some devices may implement this as an on-demand API with lazy initialization, so the caller should expect higher latency when making the first call (especially with non-default params) since app starts or after changing params, as the device may need to change its data collection.

params GpuHeadroomParams: params to customize the GPU headroom calculation, or null to use default.

float a single value headroom or a Float.NaN if it's temporarily unavailable. Each valid value ranges from [0, 100], where 0 indicates no more cpu resources can be granted. Value is between 0f and 100f inclusive

UnsupportedOperationException if the API is unsupported.
IllegalArgumentException if the params are invalid.


Added in API level 36
public Pair<IntegerInteger> getGpuHeadroomCalculationWindowRange ()

Gets the range of the calculation window size for GPU headroom.

In API version 36, the range will be a superset of [50, 10000].

See ERROR(GpuHeadroomParams.setCalculationWindowMillis(int)/android.os.GpuHeadroomParams#setCalculationWindowMillis(int) GpuHeadroomParams.setCalculationWindowMillis(int)).

Pair<IntegerInteger> the range of the calculation window size supported in milliseconds. This value cannot be null.

UnsupportedOperationException if the GPU headroom API is unsupported.


Added in API level 36
public long getGpuHeadroomMinIntervalMillis ()

Gets minimum polling interval for calling getGpuHeadroom(android.os.GpuHeadroomParams) in milliseconds.

The getGpuHeadroom(android.os.GpuHeadroomParams) API may return cached result if called more frequent than the interval.


UnsupportedOperationException if the API is unsupported.


Added in API level 36
public int getMaxCpuHeadroomTidsSize ()

Gets the maximum number of TIDs this device supports for getting CPU headroom.

See ERROR(CpuHeadroomParams.setTids(int...)/android.os.CpuHeadroomParams#setTids(int...) CpuHeadroomParams.setTids(int...)).

int the maximum size of TIDs supported Value is 1 or greater

UnsupportedOperationException if the CPU headroom API is unsupported.


Added in API level 35
public void getPowerMonitorReadings (List<PowerMonitor> powerMonitors, 
                Executor executor, 
                OutcomeReceiver<PowerMonitorReadingsRuntimeException> onResult)

Asynchronously retrieves the accumulated power consumption reported by the specified power monitors.

powerMonitors List: power monitors to be retrieved. This value cannot be null.

executor Executor: optional Executor to deliver the callbacks. If not supplied, the callback may be invoked on an arbitrary thread. This value may be null.

onResult OutcomeReceiver: callback for the result This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 35
public void getSupportedPowerMonitors (Executor executor, 
                Consumer<List<PowerMonitor>> onResult)

Asynchronously retrieves a list of supported PowerMonitor's, which include raw ODPM (on-device power rail monitor) rails and modeled energy consumers. If ODPM is unsupported on this device this method delivers an empty list.

executor Executor: optional Handler to deliver the callback. If not supplied, the callback may be invoked on an arbitrary thread. This value may be null.

onResult Consumer: callback for the result This value cannot be null.


Added in API level 24
public HealthStats takeMyUidSnapshot ()

Return a HealthStats object containing a snapshot of system health metrics for the application calling this API. This method is the same as calling takeUidSnapshot(Process.myUid()).

HealthStats A HealthStats object containing the metrics for this application. The keys for this HealthStats object will be from the UidHealthStats class.


Added in API level 24
public HealthStats takeUidSnapshot (int uid)

Return a HealthStats object containing a snapshot of system health metrics for the given uid (user-id, which in usually corresponds to application).

uid int: User ID for a given application.

HealthStats A HealthStats object containing the metrics for the requested application. The keys for this HealthStats object will be from the UidHealthStats class.

See also:


Added in API level 24
public HealthStats[] takeUidSnapshots (int[] uids)

Return a HealthStats object containing a snapshot of system health metrics for the given uids (user-id, which in usually corresponds to application).

uids int: An array of User IDs to retrieve.

HealthStats[] An array of HealthStats objects containing the metrics for each of the requested uids. The keys for this HealthStats object will be from the UidHealthStats class.