
public static final class ContactsContract.RawContacts.DisplayPhoto
extends Object

   ↳ android.provider.ContactsContract.RawContacts.DisplayPhoto

A sub-directory of a single raw contact that represents its primary display photo. To access this directory append CONTENT_DIRECTORY to the raw contact URI. The resulting URI represents an image file, and should be interacted with using ContentResolver.openAssetFileDescriptor.

Note that this sub-directory also supports opening the photo as an asset file in write mode. Callers can create or replace the primary photo associated with this raw contact by opening the asset file and writing the full-size photo contents into it. When the file is closed, the image will be parsed, sized down if necessary for the full-size display photo and thumbnail dimensions, and stored.

Usage example:

 public void writeDisplayPhoto(long rawContactId, byte[] photo) {
     Uri rawContactPhotoUri = Uri.withAppendedPath(
             ContentUris.withAppendedId(RawContacts.CONTENT_URI, rawContactId),
     try {
         AssetFileDescriptor fd =
             getContentResolver().openAssetFileDescriptor(rawContactPhotoUri, "rw");
         OutputStream os = fd.createOutputStream();
     } catch (IOException e) {
         // Handle error cases.




The directory twig for this sub-table

Inherited methods

Object clone()

Creates and returns a copy of this object.

boolean equals(Object obj)

Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.

void finalize()

Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.

final Class<?> getClass()

Returns the runtime class of this Object.

int hashCode()

Returns a hash code value for the object.

final void notify()

Wakes up a single thread that is waiting on this object's monitor.

final void notifyAll()

Wakes up all threads that are waiting on this object's monitor.

String toString()

Returns a string representation of the object.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis, int nanos)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait(long timeoutMillis)

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted, or until a certain amount of real time has elapsed.

final void wait()

Causes the current thread to wait until it is awakened, typically by being notified or interrupted.



Added in API level 14
public static final String CONTENT_DIRECTORY

The directory twig for this sub-table

Constant Value: "display_photo"